You say, the bershire had a DTV receiver, which was gone and you purchased a new receiver. Was the sat dish still on camper/ or did you install a new dish upon getting the new receiver?. I have direct tv since its inception, so I know some things. My 1st question; the new receiver is for on the camper?/ correct. If so, the new receiver needs to be sync with sat. dish. 2 confirm the source of the coxial is comming from dish,. 3 you must have a programming package from either dish or DTV. 4 you need a clear view of the sky(from the dishes point of view) for dtv; the orbiting sat. is located over the state of texas. You must have the correct elevation and direction to be able to lock on to the signal from the orbiting sat.. If you still having issues, then call tech. department at Dish TV// Direct TV. They can remotly "reboot" your signal to restablish your signal. Let me know the answers to some of the questions I rasied and see if my suggestions work. Good Luck
"You never fail until you stop trying!!"
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