If you're up for a road trip, we found these guys at
National RV Refrigeration in Elkhart, IN. If you make an appointment, they will repair your fridge in your RV while you wait. We found them while we were looking for a replacement fridge and wound up getting a great deal on a scratch 'n' dent unit from them. You might want to call with your particulars and get a quote, it's probably less than replacing with a residential unit.
It may or may not fit thru the door, we took our 5 cu ft Dometic out and it was 25-1/2" deep, which I think is the standard depth for these RV units. I would go to the Dometic website and look up the specs on your unit and then measure your door. Some motorhomes the fridge can come out of a large window if it won't fit through the door. Our TC has a narrow entry door and we wound up taking out the slideout.