Possible issues:
Major system leak
Failed compressor
Failed compressor clutch
Failed compressor clutch wiring
Tossed fan belt (Selected vehicle only. My car did this, I also lost power steering, but the Alternator and water pump kept working, on my motor home there is but one belt)
Failed WATER VALVE (heater control valve).. That's one many overlook.
I had a compressor leak, replaced the compressor and all was great.
Ohm I also had a wire fault.. Never did find it, just replaced the wire.
Home was where I park it. but alas the.
2005 Damon Intruder 377 Alas declared a total loss
after a semi "nicked" it. Still have the radios
Kenwood TS-2000, ICOM ID-5100, ID-51A+2, ID-880 REF030C most times