Hello all,
2005 Ford E450 Class C, Fleetwood Jamboree. Two switches by left knee; Emergency start battery switch to join engine and house batteries & Generator Start switch. NEITHER ONE IS OPERATIONAL.
Have checked all fuses; all OK.
Did not find Battery controller solenoid where shown on Youtube videos; Underneath/behind radiator overflow bottle on driver's side engine compartment.
Looked at house battery area and found battery separator, 1 controller that clicks on when ign key turned on.
An emergency batt controller solenoid is supposed to "click" when the dash switch is pushed; we here no clicking from anything, anywhere when the batt dash switch is activated.
We see that there is a PURPLE wire that is not attached to anything.
QUESTION: Does anyone have a similar setup and could you tell us where YOUR purple wire attaches?
Thank you for your time and consideration.
(purple wire sticking straight up w/ eyelet at end.
(batt compartment at steps.