Jul-30-2017 04:03 PM
Aug-03-2017 11:54 AM
Aug-03-2017 10:24 AM
Aug-03-2017 08:44 AM
Aug-01-2017 09:37 AM
RLS7201 wrote:
I've had the privilege of touring the original Walts, the relocated Walts and the new Walts. Kind of sad to see the NOS lessen. The original Walts used to get NOS from the Fleetwood factory, end of model year over stock, in CA. When that dried up the supply of NOS deteriorated. :(:(
Aug-01-2017 09:24 AM
Aug-01-2017 08:04 AM
ArchHoagland wrote:
Walts RV
There's a link.
Aug-01-2017 06:22 AM
Jul-31-2017 11:08 PM
Jul-31-2017 12:31 PM
Jul-31-2017 09:19 AM
Jul-31-2017 07:24 AM
Jul-31-2017 05:00 AM
RVMike wrote:
The window was a new install, they had to cut the hole
Jul-30-2017 05:44 PM
Jul-30-2017 05:30 PM