Jul-03-2020 01:47 PM
Jul-09-2020 04:33 PM
Jul-06-2020 01:15 PM
Jul-05-2020 09:39 PM
VA-Apraisr wrote:
I went to a deserted island for 8 days (no houses/roads) and carried an extra supply of water using 1-gallon jugs of water at $.60/each at Walmart. I just put 15 in the rear storage compartment and 15 up over the front cab bedroom. Extra long filler spout and added to fresh water tank as needed. Worked like a charm and no added expense to try and rig-up a special tank system.
Jul-05-2020 12:15 PM
Jul-05-2020 11:28 AM
Jul-05-2020 11:16 AM
Jul-05-2020 09:20 AM
Jul-05-2020 08:22 AM
Jul-04-2020 09:50 AM
Jonathan92028 wrote:
everyone I’m new to this website and was hoping to get your advice.
I have a 25’ Class C four winds RV with a e450.
Because I do lots of boondocking and have issues finding water, I wanted to add a 48 gallon water tank to my roof. I realize there’s some negatives and I’m curious what you thought or have experienced. I do not tow anything, I do realize it will add an extra 400lbs to my RV and center of gravity will possibly be effected. I plan to spread the load over several roof supports .
The tank is Clear plastic allows you to see the water level easily. Tank measures 64 1/2" L x 18" W x 12" deep.
Any feedback ? , has anyone tried this.
Jul-04-2020 07:20 AM
Jul-04-2020 05:12 AM
DrewE wrote:
It would affect the center of gravity some, raising it probably a couple or a few inches. Whether or not the roof structure would be safely able to carry the extra weight is a bigger concern; if it's a well-constructed RV, it ought to be able to, as it isn't enormously more than, say, a couple of air conditioners (the weight of which is less evenly distributed), but we all know that many RVs are not especially well-constructed.
If you do install it, be sure the tank is oriented lenghtwise rather than across the RV. If it's crosswise and half full, the water will slosh back and forth from side to side and could definitely cause handling issues or at least annoyances. Weight shift front to back is rather less of a problem--though still may be noticeable. Weight shift can, of course, be avoided by travelling with the tank either full or empty (as opposed to something in between).
All in all, I think a trailer mounted tank is a better idea (a "water buffalo" or something similar/smaller).
Jul-04-2020 02:50 AM
I realize there’s some negatives
Jul-03-2020 05:10 PM
Jul-03-2020 04:41 PM