Just checking back in..
Already put 6k miles on the clock! Class b van works so well for freedom and ease of use.
I use it primarily when traveling alone or to meet friends who ride with no family.I've spent 39 nights in it so far, about 7 with the family...wife, 5 year old. Works ok for a night or two with them, and lots of day trips to the beach, desert, etc.
I've put $600 into it, added solar, changed Trans, other fluids, and a water tank leak. Other than that, been a reliable runner. 36k on the clock now. Truthfully I enjoy camping in it more than my diesel motorhome. Gets out more isolated spots, and fits in places a motorhome can't. Feels more like camping, and in some cases the views are definitely better. Recently went van tramping in the Sierras. Was able to fit into Tioga Pass campground and others in scenery I couldn't get to before. Threw the sea eagle in the lakes in the morning, rode the bike or hiked in the afternoons.
For those thinking of downsizing I recommend it. I like it so much, wish I could get a more powerful non diesel model to tow a toyhauler for those longer trips..it has all I need for a family for two days, me, 3-5 days. Heat, shower, bathroom, stove, all secure and out of the elements. Works well.