Jul-20-2016 07:07 PM
Jul-20-2016 08:18 PM
Jul-20-2016 08:15 PM
imgoin4it wrote:
Transmission will do most of the work, but if you are going up an incline and it is such the transmission starts "hunting",shifting up then down just manually put it in a lower gear a pick a reasonable speed for the gear and go up the hill. If you have an exhaust break start down the hill at the speed where it will maintain the speed with out increasing or without using the service brakes. You do not want to allow going downhill too fast. With a little experience this will all become second nature.
Jul-20-2016 08:07 PM
Jul-20-2016 07:59 PM
Jul-20-2016 07:29 PM
Jul-20-2016 07:23 PM
Jul-20-2016 07:19 PM