Jul-20-2014 06:53 PM
Jul-28-2014 07:16 AM
Jul-28-2014 05:59 AM
NYCgrrl wrote:ReneeG wrote:Jim Shoe wrote:ReneeG wrote:\
The longer you stick to a grain and sugar free diet, eating only whole foods from nature as in Paleo, the more you will be satisfied with smaller amounts. It happens naturally.
I couldn't disagree more. When you cut entire food groups from your diet, you eventually crave them. You feel deprived. And its hard to deal with eating in a restaurant. Carbs are cheap for a restaurant. As I said, if you simply stop eating whatever you're eating when you are no longer hungry, instead of stopping when you're full, you will lose weight.
That doesn't work for me. Cutting out the grains, which create sugars in your system, and refined sugars, eventually eliminates the cravings. I supplement by making grain and sugar free baked goods - coconut or almond flour and using honey. There are lots of great recipes online for chocolate cake, cookies, lemon bars, banana cream cake, you name it, and it's satisfying. I've lost quite a bit of weight this way.
I think the truest answer is to know how YOU eat. There are sooooooo many different food ideas out there. Pick the one that makes the most sense to you and as they say: Just do it.
Jul-28-2014 05:46 AM
ReneeG wrote:Jim Shoe wrote:ReneeG wrote:\
The longer you stick to a grain and sugar free diet, eating only whole foods from nature as in Paleo, the more you will be satisfied with smaller amounts. It happens naturally.
I couldn't disagree more. When you cut entire food groups from your diet, you eventually crave them. You feel deprived. And its hard to deal with eating in a restaurant. Carbs are cheap for a restaurant. As I said, if you simply stop eating whatever you're eating when you are no longer hungry, instead of stopping when you're full, you will lose weight.
That doesn't work for me. Cutting out the grains, which create sugars in your system, and refined sugars, eventually eliminates the cravings. I supplement by making grain and sugar free baked goods - coconut or almond flour and using honey. There are lots of great recipes online for chocolate cake, cookies, lemon bars, banana cream cake, you name it, and it's satisfying. I've lost quite a bit of weight this way.
Jul-27-2014 07:48 PM
Jim Shoe wrote:ReneeG wrote:\
The longer you stick to a grain and sugar free diet, eating only whole foods from nature as in Paleo, the more you will be satisfied with smaller amounts. It happens naturally.
I couldn't disagree more. When you cut entire food groups from your diet, you eventually crave them. You feel deprived. And its hard to deal with eating in a restaurant. Carbs are cheap for a restaurant. As I said, if you simply stop eating whatever you're eating when you are no longer hungry, instead of stopping when you're full, you will lose weight.
Jul-27-2014 06:49 PM
ReneeG wrote:\
The longer you stick to a grain and sugar free diet, eating only whole foods from nature as in Paleo, the more you will be satisfied with smaller amounts. It happens naturally.
Jul-27-2014 06:17 PM
Jul-27-2014 05:55 PM
Jul-27-2014 10:50 AM
Jul-27-2014 08:28 AM
Jul-27-2014 06:14 AM
Jul-27-2014 03:18 AM
Jul-26-2014 07:15 PM
Jul-22-2014 09:56 PM
Jul-22-2014 09:27 PM