I'm watching a DVR recorded cable show as I type. It has a small issue with OTA though,, I will describe.
Back in the days of TiVo series 1 and 2, I got some REPLAY TV DVR's, had 3, still have 2, these units record to IDE hard drives (Standard computer drives re-formatted for their use). They do not do "high def" nor can they do ATSC digital
I do subscribe to a service that provides TV-Guide listings for me (Schedules Direct) for a few dollars a year,, Not a lot of money at all (I think it's like 24.95/year or some such).
The schedule is downloaded to //main (one of my computers) then modified, I download (Currently) two schedules, One is "Darian Cable" and the other is Zip-code OTA (Daria's zip code),, The downloader (XML-TV) combines the listings, These are the loaded into WiRNS (Widows Replay Network Server) which modifies them (removes the - from 7-1 as an example) and sends them to the REPLAY, it also serves them up to my web browsers on my assorted other computer devices, lets me schedule a recording from my laptop, downloads recorded shows and serves them up to the portable devices (laptop, phone, tablet) and so on.
Now, what about those ATSC digital.. Well the convrters I got back when the world went digital... The Replay thinks thay are Sat Receivers and works just fine with them,, In fact the Replay I am using right now is coded for DISH NETWORK (THe converter is a DTV-Pal by Echostar)
The Replays auto-select between the Converters (Which deliver to AV-1) and cable (RF-ANT-IN) and work very well.
They chat with each other too (The show I am watching recorded on the other replay)
Home was where I park it. but alas the.
2005 Damon Intruder 377 Alas declared a total loss
after a semi "nicked" it. Still have the radios
Kenwood TS-2000, ICOM ID-5100, ID-51A+2, ID-880 REF030C most times