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RV Fuel Issues & Prices - Post 'Em Here!

All other fuel threads will be automatically deleted. ๐Ÿ™‚
2009 Tiffin 43QBP Allegro Bus
RoadMaster Sterling Tow Bar
Ford Explorer Sport Toad
"Pisqually" the attack kitty :B
4,897 REPLIES 4,897

eltejano1 wrote:
Hi, "rather be travlin" from Tyler - right up the road! More famous as the home of former Houston Oiler Earl Cambell than for roses. ๐Ÿ™‚

Awhile back, I suggested that an oil crash like '84 might be a good thing - but I was shot down and proved wrong. Tell Topflite you are praying for a crash and see what he says.


Actually Jack a reasonable drop to somewhere between 60 to 80 per barrel would be sufficient to continue the development of other sources and forms of energy. It wouldn't set back energy policies like it did in 83/84. It would however, get rid of a significant number of speculators and their financial backers. I would argue that supply and demand definitely justifies the 60 to 80 range, anything above that is being pushed by pure speculation.
Just rolling along enjoying life
w/F53 Southwind towing a 87 Samurai or 01 Grand Vitara looking to fish
Simply Despicable ๐Ÿ˜›
Any errors are a result of CRS.:s

DanHouck wrote:
This will work about as good as suing OPEC, another bright idea from the Democrats. The oil markets, already some of which are offshore, will become fully offshore.

Now, I don't know much about futures markets. However, they were "regulated" before and it worked then. I would assume that if it worked then it will work now. It certainly is the problem, and that seems like a reasonable solution.

It sounds like like a great idea, ML, but Dan's right. They'll just move to some island somewhere and continue thir trading.


Dan in NM:

I have no sympathy with the environmentalists - zero! But it seems to me that we would be better served by massive federal/private investment on alternative energy - namely, nuclear electric. There is a future for tar and shale but it will be primarily used for chemicals and plastics. It takes too much energy to refine into a usable fuel and it's only a stop-gap measure anyway. We will probably have to drill in ANWR and offshore Florida/Calif just to survive long enough to make the switch from petroleum to electricity - and will have to pay ever steeper prices for foreign oil.

It's clear to anyone with historical knowledge and social vision that the Age of Petroleum is in it's death throes. When my great grandkids take their children to the Auto Museum in MI, they will see the old, heavy, inefficient, smelly internal combustion engines and laugh at how big and awkward they were - like the 19th century mining tools at the museum in Tombstone Ariz!! "Did people really have those in cars, Daddy?"

We shouldn't think we can solve this with drilling for more oil - we can buy more time, that's all. World reserves are depleting and those remaining are located in hostile areas. We MUST make the change to an all-electric society and we had better get started. Civilization itself may be at stake here - never mind the health of the planet.


This will work about as good as suing OPEC, another bright idea from the Democrats. The oil markets, already some of which are offshore, will become fully offshore.

Drill now, drill here, pay less. We have enough oil shale alone to last for decades. Then there's the huge tar deposits under North Dakota and all that oil the enviro-wackos and their fellow travelers in D.C. have placed off limits off shore and in Alaska.

Forget this BS about it will take years. If we don't do it now, where do you think the country will be in 10 years?

Dan & Ann D.
1998 Country Coach Allure 36'

Talking Points Memo Who is hurting you at the gas pump?

"Those apologizing for the greedy oil companies say it's a 'supply and demand issue,' but that's bogus. OPEC intentionally keeps the oil harvest as low as it can in order to drive up demand, while here in the USA oil companies regulate refining capacity. Add to this the oil speculators who buy oil contracts for delivery in the future. They don't want the actual oil, they just want the paper. Every time the speculators bid up the paper price of a barrel of oil, Chevron and other companies raise the price at the pump. This is obviously a rigged game and working Americans are being hurt big time. Congressman John Larson of Connecticut has introduced legislation that would make any speculator who bids on oil actually take delivery of the barrels. If Congress would pass Larsen's bill, the speculators would be forced out of the oil trading industry. The U.S. economy is getting hammered by oil prices, and unless Congress gets control of the situation, this country will enter a very bad economic period for a very long time. We are all at grave risk."

News Link: Congressman proposes energy price legislation

Dick, campfire chat always wanders. The important thing here is that we respond when someone posts on-topic. We're just killing time waiting for a relevant oil-related post and then we will return to work.


Hi, "rather be travlin" from Tyler - right up the road! More famous as the home of former Houston Oiler Earl Cambell than for roses. ๐Ÿ™‚

Awhile back, I suggested that an oil crash like '84 might be a good thing - but I was shot down and proved wrong. Tell Topflite you are praying for a crash and see what he says.



Good news at the end of tunnel? Evening news yesterday reporting on speculators being primary cause for cost of oil, and if that is the case, there's almost always a crash somewhere down the line. I'm keeping my fingers crossed, and waiting to see.
'03 Dodge/HO Cummins 3500
6 speed/3.73 dually/LWB
2000 Snowbird SE 102
'08 Goldwing GL 1800

trac209 wrote:
ok isn't this supposed to be about fuel?????????

That is to sad of subject here.Diesel running around 4.85 and regular 4.01 to 4.10 and more around Daytona Beach,Fl.If going south I-95 you are better off to fuel in Georgia at the last few exits and then south of here around Melbourne,Fl.

I think the Florida economy is sinking fast.I know I am having to take back some property I sold three years ago.Not going to put me in the poor house but just part of the economy that will not be spent here.I hate it but it is on friendly terms.This is a builder that was rolling in money a year ago so it is not just him but all the sub contractors and there workers.Then that rolls down to all the stores that they shopped at.

I was reading today where some of the billionaires have started to dump there oil stock so that may be a good sign.I live right off a main road to the beach and I can tell you the traffic is not here that was here last year this time.

Also this is a older nice neighborhood I live in and there is more houses for sale now than I have ever see.I know for a fact that about 2/3 are forecloses or going in to foreclosure.But most are upside down loans as the property I sold three years ago.As for me none the worse off as it was just sitting there before I sold it.But the banks are hurting that made loans around the same time.There is no way they are going to recover there money.

I think you folks are either out of gas (pun intended! :B) or bored with the topic. :h However, I think it best to somewhat stay on topic. ๐Ÿ™‚

I guess I could interject some "compare and contrast" questions that would keep you busy for twenty pages or so. When I was teaching that type of exam question always worked well to muzzle the "wise guys" for awhile. :B
2009 Tiffin 43QBP Allegro Bus
RoadMaster Sterling Tow Bar
Ford Explorer Sport Toad
"Pisqually" the attack kitty :B

trac209 wrote:
ok isn't this supposed to be about fuel?????????
Great minds do wander.....:B
Just rolling along enjoying life
w/F53 Southwind towing a 87 Samurai or 01 Grand Vitara looking to fish
Simply Despicable ๐Ÿ˜›
Any errors are a result of CRS.:s

ok isn't this supposed to be about fuel?????????

eltejano1 wrote:
I also think the web is contributing to the ideological fracturing of our society. It provides extremists on both ends of the political spectrum with a certain legitimacy that would have been unthinkable in our pre-computer world. All the porn material, chat rooms and dating services are damaging families and homes in a variety of ways and children are at great risk online - not only physically and emotionally, but morally as well.

But I guess everything has a downside. There are so many positive things about the web - unlimited shopping options, a huge library of information on every subject imaginable at your finger tips and educational and self-improvement opportunities for the unlettered masses that have the potential of obliterating ignorance worldwide.

We have to take the bad along with the good, I suppose - like TV and everything else.


But hey look at the good I had a 23 year old women offer me I think $22,000,000.00 if I help her get her deceased fathers money out of a bank here.I am sure as soon as I give her my SSN and bank account number I will be rich and will not worry about fuel for my new RV I will be ordering.:B And for 22 mill my wife mite even let her come live with us the poor girl sounds like she needs a friend.Then maybe not.:h

Thank you, Sir