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Degenerative Myelopathy (DM)

We've had a few threads mention this disease and they usually create quite a bit of interest and discussion. This article came in my email today:

University of Missouri study.

To summarize for those who don't want to read the particulars

Apparently ALS in people create the same marker in dogs that have DM thus making diagnosis "easier." With this, Mizzou Vet School is looking for candidates to join a study to investigate treatment options.

This study is in collaboration with the ALS researchers, hoping to find some commonality that could help people as well as dogs.
Doug & Sandy
Winnie 6 1/2 year old golden
2008 Southwind 2009 Honda CRV

Again, Thank you Doug. I'll talk to our Vet and see what she recommends.

1995brave wrote:
Thank you Doug,
Maybe I can talk our Vet into doing the same for Bliss. They did not want to remove it because they were afraid of cutting into the veins around the tumor. It has spread and she is now having inconstancy problems while sleeping. One of the specialists found her calcium high and gave her a infusion that helped slow the constant water drinking, but that is wearing off now.

Tyler's calcium was always normal. Unfortunately, those tumors with abnormal calcium (elevations) seem to be more aggressive in my experience. Trust your vet, if they think surgery isn't a reasonable option, they are considering potential down side as well as up side. It's never an easy situation/decision.

You might ask about using peroxicam. This is an nsaid that has been found to have some effect on tumors as well as pain/anti-inflammatory properties. It's not really chemo, but can slow some tumor growth.
Doug & Sandy
Winnie 6 1/2 year old golden
2008 Southwind 2009 Honda CRV

Thank you Doug,
Maybe I can talk our Vet into doing the same for Bliss. They did not want to remove it because they were afraid of cutting into the veins around the tumor. It has spread and she is now having inconstancy problems while sleeping. One of the specialists found her calcium high and gave her a infusion that helped slow the constant water drinking, but that is wearing off now.

1995brave wrote:
Our Bliss (GSD) is not showing signs of DM, but has been diagnosed with an anal gland tumor which is spreading. She just turned 13 in June and we cannot afford the 10K for radiation therapy or the 800 a month for chemo. We are just making her as comfortable as possible until the day comes to say goodbye.

Sorry to hear this. Just to perhaps give you some hope, I took an anal sac adenocarcinoma off our son's dog in November, 2015. While the tumor is growing back slowly, spread to the lymph nodes near the spine and causing some difficulty with BMs, Tyler is happy and it's been over 1 1/2 years. They are also in a "make him comfortable" frame and enjoying every day they do have.

Doug & Sandy
Winnie 6 1/2 year old golden
2008 Southwind 2009 Honda CRV

1995brave wrote:
Our Bliss (GSD) is not showing signs of DM, but has been diagnosed with an anal gland tumor which is spreading. She just turned 13 in June and we cannot afford the 10K for radiation therapy or the 800 a month for chemo. We are just making her as comfortable as possible until the day comes to say goodbye.
So sad.😞

Walter & Garland - Camp Canine caretakers
Miss Inga (aka "Shorty") - 10 y.o. old GSD.
Gen. Gretchen - Joined Rainbow Div., June 27, 2017 at age 13
Gen. Missy - Joined Rainbow Div., June 11,2006 at age 12
2018 Montana HC305RL 5th wheel
2018 Silverado HD 6.0L

1995brave wrote:
Our Bliss (GSD) is not showing signs of DM, but has been diagnosed with an anal gland tumor which is spreading. She just turned 13 in June and we cannot afford the 10K for radiation therapy or the 800 a month for chemo. We are just making her as comfortable as possible until the day comes to say goodbye.

I'm at a loss for words. ...... I'm so sorry to hear about your Bliss. I'll keep you'all in my daily prayers!


DOTLDaddy wrote:
The possibility of this terrible disease is dreaded by those who have GSD's. 😞 I certainly hope the trial discovers some useful information.

Yes, so do I Walter. I've been checking out one of the GSD forums (for the past few months), and this is mention quite a few times.

I went an signed up to give the mods the heads up on this article.

Thanks, DOC!


Our Bliss (GSD) is not showing signs of DM, but has been diagnosed with an anal gland tumor which is spreading. She just turned 13 in June and we cannot afford the 10K for radiation therapy or the 800 a month for chemo. We are just making her as comfortable as possible until the day comes to say goodbye.

The possibility of this terrible disease is dreaded by those who have GSD's. 😞 I certainly hope the trial discovers some useful information.

Walter & Garland - Camp Canine caretakers
Miss Inga (aka "Shorty") - 10 y.o. old GSD.
Gen. Gretchen - Joined Rainbow Div., June 27, 2017 at age 13
Gen. Missy - Joined Rainbow Div., June 11,2006 at age 12
2018 Montana HC305RL 5th wheel
2018 Silverado HD 6.0L

Doug, thank you for posting that info.
My vet too was always on top of or would call around for ongoing studies to help my dogs in their time of need.

I'll just add that participating in University studies is beneficial for all. One for your pet and second for all other pets and humans in the future. Not to mention the University's make it very 'affordable' to pursue treatment.

I participated in many studies with my Great Danes. Fast forward 20+ years and I have seen 2 cures/treatments for medical conditions come to fruition and available for humans that my dog participated in the study. Still makes me tear up thinking about it.

We must be willing to get rid of the life we've planned,
so as to have the life that is waiting for us.

Thank you for putting this out. I tried to get my GSD in a study at this university back in 2008. I had just missed the deadline. It progressed so quickly in my boy--he was only 8 yrs. old. He was, however, one of the first to get his DNA in this university's genetic database.

I found out two weeks ago that a lifelong friend of mine was just diagnosed with ALS.

Tears came to my eyes when I read your post. This is a horrible, horrible disease. I hope something good comes from this study.