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Homeless Cat -- Now Spotacus' Legacy

Nomad II
Nomad II
On 18 Dec, a very large cat showed up at our house. It was late and cold, and he looked in the door and made it clear he wanted inside. Well, since we have two cats already and he was a stranger, we could not let him in the house. WLToo walked out and the cat ran to him, so he walked the cat into the garage and into the climate controlled room out there.

He was extremely hungry and thirsty, but in otherwise good condition and very clean. We fixed up a bed for him, set up the feeding and elimination stations, and went to bed.

Next day, we worked in the garage all day, while the big guy slept or supervised. We found him to be an intact male, no sign he's ever worn a collar, and he has a strong need to be in the general vicinity of humans. For an intact male, he's remarkably mellow - I don't think he was the alpha cat in his previous home.

Have had zero responses to the "found cat" notices around the area and online, so we'll be working with the local rescues to get him neutered and all his shots, then find him a home. We can't keep him because he's just too big for our two cats to share our small house. Alex would have another emotional meltdown, and I don't want to go through that mess again (long, ugly story).

For now, we're calling him Spot, not that he answers to it (does answer to "Kitty, Kitty"). No idea how he travels; we'll find out when we take him to the vet on Tuesday.

If anyone knows of someone who would like a large (about 15-18 pounds) cat who needs to be with people, please let me know. No cat novices, please; this cat needs someone who knows exactly how to handle an adult cat of this size, especially when he's feeling frisky.

We're at Canyon Lake, TX, so if there are any Winter Texans nearby who would like to meet him and maybe give him a home, that would be great.
"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." -- Mahatma Gandhi

Czarny, black cat
Rainbow Bridge: Spotacus, Alexander the Grrreat, and so very many more
2,054 REPLIES 2,054

Great photos.
Doug & Sandy
Winnie 6 1/2 year old golden
2008 Southwind 2009 Honda CRV

Bout time you showed back-up I was beginning to worry.

Here in OK I saw on the news there is a outbreak of Black Widow spiders.

I don't know if I would call it an outbreak but have killed 2 both larger than any I have ever seen in the past. I would say over an 1 1/2 across, bigger around than my thumb.

Neat pictures, I very much enjoy your post.

1990 Holiday Rambler Aluma Lite XL
454 on P-30 Chassis
1999 Jeep Cherokee sport

Nomad II
Nomad II
Goodness. Things got so hectic around here that I plumb forgot to keep this updated. Sorry about that, folks.

At present, Spot is bathing in his rocking chair. He's been feeling a little punky the last few days. He came inside after morning patrol with tufts of hair coming out. I checked him over and couldn't find anything, but he chose to be the lazy kitty the rest of that day. Yesterday was Advantage Multi and it make both guys feel crappy for a while. Then this morning I found a few dings, so I guess Spot had a minor altercation with someone - perhaps the young black cat with the Siamese face. Spot's fine, though he was a bit upset with me getting out of bed this morning, since I definitely spoiled his relax...

Alex is doing so well on his three meals a day. I do worry that the vet won't be able to keep that schedule up when we're gone, and he'll lose weight again. So I'll type out very detailed feeding instructions and hope they follow them.

We started feeding Mama Doe about three hands full of deer corn in a dog dish every few days. She doesn't come up to the house much right now, since we got enough rain for everything to go green again. Last year's fawn, Solo, got into the meadow when the gate was open day before yesterday, and was afraid to jump the fence, so he was hanging around the house yesterday, trying to avoid the other does and fawns. He's almost the same size as the twins, who have beautiful racks already.

Killed a small black widow spider on the garage access door. Thank goodness for that flip flop o'doom.

The swimming pool filter was full of flying ant bits today. The barn swallows didn't get them all, although they sure tried.

Speaking of barn swallows, they are so funny. We have a couple of wind chimes on the north porch, and they like to perch on the top. We had a strong wind and rain come in, and six of the young ones all tried to land on one wind chime at the same time. There's only room for two, maybe three, but they were all determined to be there. Naturally, we didn't get the video out in time for the fun. Sigh.

Here's why they all wanted on the wind chime (WLToo playing with his new camera):

Time for another swim. Later, y'all.
"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." -- Mahatma Gandhi

Czarny, black cat
Rainbow Bridge: Spotacus, Alexander the Grrreat, and so very many more

Nomad II
Nomad II
The county came through the fireworks with minimal damage, thank goodness. Since then, Mother Nature has blessed us with some actual rain. We got an inch and a half in the last couple days, not enough to dent the drought, but enough to fill the pool and water trough, water the vegetation, and get the dust out of the air.

Another doe and fawn have joined our herd. WLToo promptly named her Cookie.
Jane, Biscuit, Cookie -- I guess the next doe will either be Bread, Play or Sour...

The rain drove the scorpions out of their holes, so the flip flop o' doom has been busy. Luckily, none have been inside, just on the porches, and a few have considerately drowned in the pool.

As we removed the lily pads (solar pads we use to cut down on evaporation) from the pool the other day, I saw what looked like a large earthworm on one of them. I got closer and realized it was a four-inch long snake. I think it was a hog-nose, but it was way too small to be sure. Not poisonous (no triangle head), so I put it into the grass, where it slipped away. It's only the second snake we've seen since we got here (other was a garter), and being a baby means there's a nearby den -- unless it got picked up by a bird and then dropped into the pool. The more non-poisonous snakes, the less likely we'll ever have small varmints.

We had a flying ant swarm while we were in the pool. Suddenly, ants were dropping onto the pool surface right and left. The barn swallows went nuts, swooping almost down onto our heads to grab them. Within just a few minutes, the swarm was either eaten or was floating on the pool, where we swept them into the collection baskets. I do love those barn swallows.

Alex and Spot are asleep on our bed, after their morning meal and outdoor stroll. Alex gets fed three times a day, and he's feeling pretty spry now. He's starting to play with Spot, who's delighted. He's learned that Alex' idea of play is to run through the house, not to wrestle, so we get a lot of galloping through here. They also have safe spots, where Alex can jump to and Spot will stop chasing and wait until Alex goes again. It's pretty cute to watch.

Time for a swim, then back into the office to clear out more old paperwork. Gonna burn up another shredder soon.

Later, y'all.
"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." -- Mahatma Gandhi

Czarny, black cat
Rainbow Bridge: Spotacus, Alexander the Grrreat, and so very many more

Wanderlost wrote:
Spent the holiday on fire watch. Even though we have a drought, and a burn ban, they still did not ban fireworks. So all the folks who really wanted to shoot fireworks came up to the lake and tried to burn us out. None of the fire departments got any sleep last night. I counted eleven grass fire calls before we finally went to bed, two right near us, and one was upwind, where if it had gotten out of control, would have swept right at us.

Some people are just idiots. Here in Colorado we have a state-wide fireworks ban. There have been a few citations, but I haven't heard any go off in my neighborhood, and the number of fireworks-related incidents/fires is actually down in Colorado so far. I guess that 6 people dead and over 600 homes destroyed will drum sense into most people. Hope it doesn't take that kind of disaster to change some official minds in Texas, especially if it involves you guys. We have fingers and paws crossed for you.
Gary Shapiro
Shadow - 7-year-old Greyhound (aka Shadow Ninja)
Hannah - 4-year-old GSD rescue (aka the Canine Tornado)
Max, Dash (GSDs), Willow, Dot, Allan, Lily (Greyhounds), and Molly(GSD Mix), at the Bridge and in my heart forever
2011 G'town 280DS Class A

Nomad II
Nomad II
Spent the holiday on fire watch. Even though we have a drought, and a burn ban, they still did not ban fireworks. So all the folks who really wanted to shoot fireworks came up to the lake and tried to burn us out. None of the fire departments got any sleep last night. I counted eleven grass fire calls before we finally went to bed, two right near us, and one was upwind, where if it had gotten out of control, would have swept right at us.

We're pretty good at fire evacuation drills; glad we didn't have to execute for real last night.

The hummingbird feeder on the south porch is proving a much better photo site. Most of the hummers will perch on it. WLToo is pleased with the results, but hasn't shared them yet. Sigh.

Heard a loud bang, and WLToo thought it was another bird killing itself on our glass windows or doors. But I thought it came from inside the house. So while he went outside, I looked in the music room. Sure enough, Spot had fallen off the piano bench, which tilted, then banged against the wall. Spot was still sitting under the bench, with that "Wha happened?" look. He came back in the big room and crawled into his box, which promptly fell on its side. We refrained from laughing, and he's asleep in it.

Alex caught another small sparrow yesterday. We heard him calling and calling, and finally realized it was his "I caught it! Come praise me!" cry. So we went out and praised him. He dropped it in the grass and laid on the porch in the shade. While I was talking to him, Spot strolled up and decided to eat the bird. Alex seemed perfectly happy with that. He used to present his kill to us; now he can feed it to Spot.

It's hot. Time for a swim. Later, y'all.
"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." -- Mahatma Gandhi

Czarny, black cat
Rainbow Bridge: Spotacus, Alexander the Grrreat, and so very many more

Nomad II
Nomad II
Thanks, dogcomestoo. Glad to know my little scribbles are entertaining.

Yesterday, Mama Doe came up to the north porch, just as Alex was eating a sparrow he'd caught. I gave her some leftover salad greens, and she ate them while listening to us talk. Then she turned, saw Alex, and walked over to him.

Well, Alex and deer don't mix, even though Mama Doe thinks he's part of her herd. He flattened his ears, snatched up the rest of his bird, yeowled, and jumped up on the porch to finish eating it. Mama Doe sniffed the ground where he'd been eating the bird, then licked the area, then ate a few feathers there. She watched Alex finish his bird and walk away, then went over, licked the porch, and ate the feathers and a bit of what was still attached.

Rodney and I were just a little creeped out. The food situation must be getting real bad. So we got very serious about watering the lawn around the house. We can only do it after the sun's low in the sky, or before it comes up, so we've re-arranged our "schedule."

This morning, deer we do not recognize were drinking from the water trough and looking for grass shoots in what passes for a lawn around the house. Mama Doe came by for lunch, and got a banana peel (she really likes those).

Spot's in his box, Alex is on the spare bed, and the two humans are stuffed with pork roast cooked in the Big Easy infrared cooker. Oh, man, was it seriously good.

We're up to five or six hummingbirds now, so WLToo is putting the new feeder on the south porch. Not as easy to see them there, but they need the food.

We just heard thunder. Rotten clouds have been passing over and giving up zip in the way of rain, leaving us nothing but noise and wind. However, with the booming going on, I must sign off and go around pulling the plugs. Even with protective strips, I'd rather not take the chance.

Later, y'all.
"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." -- Mahatma Gandhi

Czarny, black cat
Rainbow Bridge: Spotacus, Alexander the Grrreat, and so very many more

Thanks for the updates. You're making me think again about getting a bat house for my yard- to help with the mosquitos etc.

Nice of the hummingbird to decided to let you sit on your own porch, right? But since I rarely see them, I'd love being buzzed by one.

I'm not sure you realize how many people's days you brighten whenever you post about your fabulous home and all your wildlife. Thank you.

Nomad II
Nomad II
It's been right lively around here lately. All three mama does are marching up on the porch at different times of the day, looking for a snack. It's getting so dry that we've started watering the grass around the house, so they'll have something to eat and we'll have a bit of a fire break.

We had a front fly through today, and the temps dropped into the 80s. So we sat on the north porch and enjoyed it for a while. Later, after it warmed up again, I was sitting on the north porch and one of the hummingbirds started buzzing me. I was sitting right by the feeder, and it took exception to my presence. I ignored it and continued doing what I was doing, and eventually it decided to use the feeder and stop hovering and humming at my head.

A package came in today, and Spot immediately claimed the box. I've never had a cat so in love with boxes. It's pretty funny to watch.

We're done with the katydids. Now we have seriously ugly grasshoppers. Blech.

We have a small nest of mud daubers. I got a good look at one walking across my flip flop. I always thought they were black, but no, this was very dark, iridescent blue. Quite pretty. We don't mind them, they're not aggressive toward humans, and they run off the yellow jackets.

For the first time since 2010, we just saw a pair of full-grown cottontails over at the water trough. They couldn't quite reach the water, so we filled it back up. They can come back tonight for a drink.

All the barn swallows are flying and eating bugs. Makes it so nice around here, not having midges or gnats or mosquitoes.

I need to get moving and loosen up the back muscles again. Overdid the exercises on Wednesday and still paying for it... Later, y'all.
"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." -- Mahatma Gandhi

Czarny, black cat
Rainbow Bridge: Spotacus, Alexander the Grrreat, and so very many more


Nomad II
Nomad II
Oh, my, today was certainly busy. All three does showed up for snacks at different times. Luckily, we had some very old carrots they were happy to get rid of for us.

Mama Doe wanted me to sit outside with her, while she ate the carrots, then grazed by the house. Unfortunately, we were preparing for WLToo's birthday party, so I could only indulge her for a little while. She seems to like hearing me talk. I'll try singing next time, but as I am a soprano, she may not like that much.

The hummingbirds interrupted our preparations with a very noisy notice that the feeder needed a refill.

Then a couple of huge katydids mated right on the door our guests would be entering. Luckily, they finished just before folks started arriving.

Spot and Alex spent most of the party outside, hunting bugs, then wandering in just in time for dessert and mucho kitty affection. They reveled in all the attention.

We're now sitting here, exhausted, feet aching, bellies stuffed, and too tired to go to bed just yet. It was a good day.

Later, y'all.
"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." -- Mahatma Gandhi

Czarny, black cat
Rainbow Bridge: Spotacus, Alexander the Grrreat, and so very many more

Nomad II
Nomad II
It's another beautiful day in the Hill Country. More opportunities to watch the wildlife, and sweep dead katydids and stick bugs off the porches.

I definitely identified the territorial hummingbird as a female rufus. We have a purple headed one here now, too. Still not certain what the third one is.

The twin fawns were literally gamboling just beside the house yesterday morning. Of course, no chance for a video...

WLToo has decided to buy a bag of deer corn for Mama Doe's snacks. It probably will be cheaper than feeding her the veggies.

We're about to upset Spot. He's been sleeping in a box of papers to be shredded, but we're picking up and cleaning for WLToo's birthday party tomorrow, so the box is leaving. He'll have to go back to sleeping on our bed or the cedar chest.

Alex prefers to sleep on my lap or the guest bed, if he's not in one of the kitty beds. Spot doesn't like any of those beds, so Alex gets a nice choice.

Time to head to our Harley Owners Group cookout. Later, y'all.
"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." -- Mahatma Gandhi

Czarny, black cat
Rainbow Bridge: Spotacus, Alexander the Grrreat, and so very many more

Nomad II
Nomad II
Mama Doe came up while we were training the Jeep garage openers. She looks much better. Later, she came up on the porch and jammed her muzzle into the carrots in my hand -- plainly, someone around here has been hand feeding her. I managed to get them into the grass without actually touching her. Don't need a pet deer...

The baby barn swallows are big enough now to see over the nest edge. They haven't quite got the "angry bird" look the others did when we got too close to the nest. That will come in another week or so. It's a really funny expression, and we haven't been able to get a good photo of it yet. But WLToo's birthday present was a Nikon with zoom lens, so we should have one shortly.

Today was Advantage Multi day, so the boys are not happy with us. Alex did show up for ice cream, but Spot is still under the bed and growls when we walk by. When we go to bed, he'll be out and beside me fast enough, though.

I've been using up my homemade lotions (all food grade ingredients), so I can make new. Today's was very oily, so I rubbed the excess off my hands into Spot's coat. He wasn't all that thrilled, but his skin isn't doing the creepy crawly right now, so I might do it a few more times.

A bird slammed into the window yesterday and broke its neck. It was the size of a mockingbird, but different markings, so we're not sure what it was.

Hummingbirds can be such nags... Two of them announced that the feeder was low by buzzing the window, then buzzing WLToo when he went outside to get it. While he was rinsing it, I looked up and saw them both hovering at the windows, making sure he was really going to re-fill it. They were gone as he went outside, but before he returned to the door, they were back, fussing over who's feeder it is. They're really funny.

It's getting late, time to think about bed. Later, y'all.
"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." -- Mahatma Gandhi

Czarny, black cat
Rainbow Bridge: Spotacus, Alexander the Grrreat, and so very many more

Nomad II
Nomad II
We missed a photo op yesterday. Mama Doe was on the north porch, looking in the windows. A hummingbird flew up to the feeder, then realized Mama Doe was under it. A doe-hummingbird staring contest ensued for several minutes.

We couldn't get to a camera, as any movement on our part would have broken the stare. It was really cute.

WLToo did get a great photo of Saturn through the telescope last night, just before clouds covered the sky:

Alex stopped eating the KD, so we're back to normal food. We decided that at his age, if he is miserable and not eating the food he's supposed to eat to prolong his life, then what's the point in trying to prolong it? We'll see about getting a prescription for some other renal foods based in rabbit and venison that Petsmart sells, and see if we can get him back on those foods (I think he just objected to having no variety), but if not, we're prepared to let him go earlier, as long as he's happy.

Spot was laying on a porch chair this morning, when another black cat strolled up. This one is younger than black kitty, sleeker, and with a pointed face like a Siamese. The stranger walked across the grass and down the hill past the pool, while Spot just watched, without spoiling his relaxation. Luckily, Alex was inside...

The barn swallows are feeding four new babies on the north porch, and are sitting on eggs in two other nests. I hope those all make it.

Well, it's hot. I'm going swimming. Later, y'all.
"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." -- Mahatma Gandhi

Czarny, black cat
Rainbow Bridge: Spotacus, Alexander the Grrreat, and so very many more

Nomad II
Nomad II
So WLToo has named the other does: Jane has the twins, and Biscuit has the single. We can tell them apart. Neither is particularly afraid of us, meaning they're fed by our neighbors. Biscuit is more than happy to trot over and eat the veggies when we take stuff to the compost pile, even if I'm still there, and I believe would come up and take it from me, if I encouraged her (not gonna do that). Jane is somewhat more reserved, but not at all afraid.

Mama Doe strolled across the porch this morning, then turned up again this evening. She's so much smaller than Jane and Biscuit, and really does not look good. I gave her the somewhat limp celery, and she ate it while we sat on the porch and talked. Then she grazed her way back down the hill, listening to us talk. Now she's laying in the grass by the garage, near the pool and hot tub.

Her twins are velvet spikes, and keep pace with her just outside our fence line. They still look at us, unafraid, when we call, "Hi, babies!" I think Mama Doe hangs out with them and Solo when she's not in our meadow. Solo has nubs already, and spends more time with his brothers than with Mama Doe.

Alex just barfed up his dinner on the north porch. Ate grass again. That means he'll wake WLToo early in the morning for breakfast. He's finally learned that patting us on the face is not a good idea. Instead, he bats the vinyl shades now, just out of range...

Spot has been collecting grass burrs in his tail, so when I open the drawer where the Furminator is stored, he gets upset. Well, he's just gonna have to get used to being combed...

WLToo says the hot tub is ready. Today's workout had us both with sciatica pains, and the hot tub will help. Later, y'all.
"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." -- Mahatma Gandhi

Czarny, black cat
Rainbow Bridge: Spotacus, Alexander the Grrreat, and so very many more