Dec-07-2021 07:29 PM
Dec-08-2021 07:55 AM
FWC wrote:
How does a British politicians misleading claims about climate have anything whatsoever to do with technical issues on RVs?
Dec-08-2021 07:14 AM
2112 wrote:3 tons wrote:WOW, this it is an old one.
A cogent construct worthy of serious consideration! (e.g. an anecdote to ‘outcome based’ modeling)…
3 tons
Isn't Matt Ridley that conspiracy theory book peddler who still collects coal royalties?
Dec-08-2021 07:06 AM
Dec-08-2021 06:50 AM
3 tons wrote:WOW, this it is an old one.
A cogent construct worthy of serious consideration! (e.g. an anecdote to ‘outcome based’ modeling)…
3 tons
Dec-08-2021 06:42 AM
BB_TX wrote:This video dissects Peters presentation of the data
And another viewpoint.
Dec-08-2021 05:26 AM
Dec-08-2021 05:23 AM
Dec-08-2021 05:08 AM
Dec-08-2021 05:02 AM