The hydrocarbon detector (propane) and the propane safety shutoff solenoid are designed to operate together to minimize the possibility of propane leaks in the interior of your motor home. If you disable the system, you no longer have that safety feature. If, for some reason, the flame blows out on your range top, propane gas will now begin to fill your motor home. If someone (by accident) jars one of the range burner valves, opening it without lighting the burner, the same thing happens. Now, it's just a matter of time until the propane reaches stoichiometry, finds an ignition source, and, . . . . . . . . Bye!
In similar fashion, many fuel injected cars have an inertially activated fuel pump shutoff valve that cuts power to the fuel pump relay after an accident. (even if the engine remains running) After a serious accident, with fuel lines breached, pouring fuel on a high potential fire hazard is generally NOT a good idea.
When you are racing and have a serious accident, there's always a track safety crew to come and quickly extinquish any fire(s). In your motor home, . . . not so.
Chum lee