First, that is a converter, not an inverter (Which does the inverse of a converter).
Second, though I have not used it a Group 31 is about 130 amp hours as I recall, times 0.3 (30%) is 39 amps. so the 40 amp converter is the exact size I'd recommend. Should work quite well.
The Charge wizard is optimized for Flooded wet cells, but most folks tell me it should work well with an AGM.
Now a fact:
I have, in this motor home, a Progressive Dynamics 9180 with wizard (80 amps) I have a pair of GC-2 (Interstate U-2200) Golf car batteries, and I added a Pair of MK Group 31 AGM's.
Then I added some older Grouup 27/29 Maintenance free's I had from other things when I packed up my house.
The first batteries to go were the AGM's. they were a year newer than the U-2200's and they were the first to go.
Then the Maintenance free's (The last one replaced just last month).
They, however, are older than the RV.
The U-2200's Still doing well. Though they are starting to show their age (8 years plus) and I doubt they will make it to 10.
Something to consider.. This is part of the reason I do not favor AGM.
Home was where I park it. but alas the.
2005 Damon Intruder 377 Alas declared a total loss
after a semi "nicked" it. Still have the radios
Kenwood TS-2000, ICOM ID-5100, ID-51A+2, ID-880 REF030C most times