May-30-2022 03:42 PM
May-31-2022 10:39 PM
schlep1967 wrote:
It will if the battery is connected. Without the battery the converter doesn't put out enough to run the motors. The converter charges the battery so the reserve power is there for the big DC draws.
May-31-2022 02:21 PM
May-31-2022 12:36 PM
LScamper wrote:
So the slide works with the battery alone with nothing coming from the converter? That would be the same as the reverse polarity fuses being removed. The fuses are not needed to use the slide! So bad fuses will not stop slide from working.
May-31-2022 08:49 AM
May-31-2022 07:50 AM
May-31-2022 07:46 AM
May-31-2022 05:15 AM
LScamper wrote:
Maybe blew reverse polarity fuse but that should not stop slide from working. There should be a self resetting circuit breaker near the battery. That maybe toast.
May-30-2022 09:43 PM
May-30-2022 07:16 PM
May-30-2022 04:45 PM
May-30-2022 04:30 PM
May-30-2022 04:04 PM