Returning home from Florida to Indiana on Dec 26, 2014, we were driving through Dothan, Alabama and came up behind this vehicle on the road. We passed them.... all 55 feet of truck and travel trailer. My son was driving and I was in the passenger seat, grabbed my phone and started snapping photos as we passed.
Today at work, I was showing a colleague the photos from my phone and remembered I had captured this vehicle. I blew up one photo and it had the name of the company. I did a Google search and found them on the internet. I sent them a message on their web site comment section, stating we passed them on the road, but failed to get a complete picture of the rig, I only got the trailer or the car, but not both.
They responded and sent me back a few photos of the entire rig.
This is not a joke, the car and trailer were buzzing down the road about 45-50 mph.
This is from Sunset Mortuary, Dothan, Alabama. I would call this "The Final Travel Trailer"...
This was so cute, I had to post it for everyone to enjoy!