I had one of those mounts made of PVC and an upside down antenna ( Google it, it works), then I did something similar to the OP with a Harbor Freight hitch tube and a bent piece of pipe- I always seemed to park the same direction in the desert and it...
https://www.amazon.com/Next-Generation-Remote-Control-Extender/dp/B000C1Z0HA/ref=lp_11039361_1_3?s=aht&ie=UTF8&qid=1467326830&sr=1-3Wouldnt think they work, but they work great!
Does it boot all the way? I have a PC with a low battery on the motherboard that I have to go into the BIOS and reenter all the settings when it loses power. Sounds like a jet takeoff until all the settings are entered. Someday I should replace the c...
Nice install. Get the remote switch for $20 @ DonRowe when you wire it into the coach breakers. You wont have to crawl in there to turn it on and off...