since ‎Nov-03-2004

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When the weather warms up this spring, I plan to take several windows out and reseal them with butyl tape. My 5er is a 2006 Outback. If anyone has done this on a similar RV, what width butyl tape did you use and did you need to trim any off?Thanks.
Several days ago, I began having some problems with Chrome. Right now, I don't even remember what the problem was. Anyhow, I deleted it and reload Chrome. My other problem went away but I have a new one now, one that a number of other people are havi...
I debated doing this upgrade for a long time. I started another discussion several months ago when I was debating this. I finally decided to upgrade both of my computers to Windows 7. I bought two legal Windows 7 Home Premium Upgrade DVDs from Amazon...
I have Directv at home with two HR24 DVRs. They are non-SWM using a SL3. When I take my RV off, I take one of the DVRs with me. In the RV, I have a SL3 dish with a tripod. This system is SWM. I have only had this RV setup for a few months. When I fi...
I have an 8 year old Dell XPS computer with XP on it. Now that I am seeing the end of the road for XP, I have been thinking about my options. This computer, when it was purchased, was a very high end computer that listed for almost $3000. I know that...