since ‎May-08-2012

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I have an excellent condition 2011 SRW 3500 megacab looking to tow 15.5--16.5K 5th wheel toy hauler (2300-2700lb pin).I will be using the toy hauler 4-6 times a year 200-1000 mile trips. The truck is used for many other things so DRW isn't practica...
I currently have a 2011 SRW Ram 3500 Megacab with cummins 6.7.DRW is not an option for us at this time. Trying to see if TT or 5th wheel would be better option. According to factory specs...My 2011 SRW Ram 3500 Megacab has payload of 2600 lbs, max ...
I currently have a 2011 SRW Ram 3500 Megacab with cummins 6.7 and was looking at 5th wheel toy haulers but the ones I like (ex, Voltage, XLR 380AMP, Fuzion FZ342) exceeds factory specs of my truck as they gross 16K-18K. According to factory specs......
I currently have a 2011 SRW Ram 3500 Megacab with cummins 6.7 and looking to purchase a new 5th wheel toyhauler. The size I'm looking at 34-36ft will likely have a wet/loaded weight approaching 17,000 lbs. I fully understand DRW is best but it's no...