since ‎Nov-04-2009

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How the heck do you charge a 4 pac. house battery.We had a power outage that knocked my EMS off line and everything switched to the batteries (we were on a long trip and the coach was in storage)Came home and dead batteries.I would like to charge the...
I have just completed the most harrowing ride of my life on Highwy 101.The road is like a roller coaster and it makes it very hard to maintain control, which is very important when the lane is 13 foot wide, the bridges up north are 12 foot wide and ...
I stayed at a park for a couple of days that only allowed 30 amps.We had the front A/C-Heater on and all of the sudden we lost it.This is the first time I have had to deal with the EMS and it went through its cycle and shut down the 4 major appliance...
I have a Norcolod 1200LRIMSS 4 door refer. in my 2006 Holiday Rambler.I looked and searched on 3 fourms about the refer doing the selfdefrost , which it does quite well, but the liquid it creates has no place to go but to puddle in the bottom, when I...
Back won't dump --------------------------------------------------------------------------------I have a 2006 Holiday Rambler 40 foot Diesel,When I get to a camping site I do the "Air Dump"Front goes down but the rear end just sits there and when I h...