since ‎May-20-2001

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We want to replace carpet with hard flooring of some sort in our 92 35' Southwind. I was thinking about the vinyl Allure(?) click together planks but now am rethinking into a good quality one piece vinyl flooring-no gaps. Has anyone installed? If so ...
Do you all remember my bathtub that seems to have settled? Here are some pics of what I could see behind the access panel. It all looked really good to me and hubby couldn't see anything that looked like rot etc. It looks like it may have just "settl...
I have just noticed this issue in our new to us 92 Southwind. The "drain end" of the tub looks like it is lower than the back end. now I assume it should be a little tilted but there seems to be a gap that I can stick my pinky up in and I don't think...
Went for a 45 minute drive yesterday in the new-to-us 92 Southwind. We stopped at a park for apx 45 minutes-motor off, generator running and then started up and drove home in 100 degree + weather. When we got home and shut the MH off, there was a buz...
Lawson's Landing Campground by Tomales Bay in Northern California. Just wondering if anyone has stayed there recently--my husband has been there and wants to go this weekend. I tried reading Yelp reviews and they were mostly negative. It sounds awful...