So I was doing a drop pressure test with my manometer connected to one of the burner tubes on my range. The meter showed 13"wc after the stove regulator. I thought it should be down to 10"wc after the stove regulator? What gives?
So I hooked up my manometer to my range to do a propane leak teat. It showed 13"wc after the regulator. I thought it wad supposed to be down to 10". Why would the pressure be so high on my range? Is the regulator bad? Can it be adjusted?
So I hooked up my manometer to my range to do a propane leak teat. It showed 13"wc after the regulator. I thought it wad supposed to be down to 10". Why would the pressure be so high on my range? Is the regulator bad? Can it be adjusted?
So I hooked up my manometer to my range to do a propane leak teat. It showed 13"wc after the regulator. I thought it wad supposed to be down to 10". Why would the pressure be so high on my range? Is the regulator bad? Can it be adjusted?
Lwiddis wrote:Triple post in the same minute! A new record.Haha! My browser kept telling me that it failed to post. So I kept doing it, nkt realizing it really was.
ps2000 wrote:Old-Biscuit wrote:ps2000 wrote:Old-Biscuit wrote:Only way to have 13"WC AFTER the stove reg is for the UPSTREAM pressure to be high .....main lp reg has failed or set at 14"WC +Stove reg should be set for 10"WC with upstream pressure set...
Old-Biscuit wrote:ps2000 wrote:Old-Biscuit wrote:Only way to have 13"WC AFTER the stove reg is for the UPSTREAM pressure to be high .....main lp reg has failed or set at 14"WC +Stove reg should be set for 10"WC with upstream pressure set for 11"WCSho...
Old-Biscuit wrote:Only way to have 13"WC AFTER the stove reg is for the UPSTREAM pressure to be high .....main lp reg has failed or set at 14"WC +Stove reg should be set for 10"WC with upstream pressure set for 11"WCShould be test port on Fridge shut...