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A very old stray {The Old Fella Story}

Explorer II
Explorer II
Went camping this weekend at a campground on the lake, had not been there for a few years. Once there I began to walk around looking at the different sites when I noticed a very old dog. He just lay there until I got too close then he got up on three legs and hobbled away. Just judging I would say he is at least 11 years old. Well back to my story. The next afternoon he wanders into camp and just sits there looking. He looked so sad, so the wife got a bowl of our dog's food and put it down for him and he came over and ate. He then walked over to our dog and the two of them sniffed each other over and then they lay down together for the rest of the afternoon. That night he disappeared.
The next morning he was back and was a little more receptive of me. I looked at his injured leg and found that half of his rear foot was gone. It had healed and was not causing any problem except that he was walking on the stub that was left with no foot pad which causes him to limp. His front teeth were gone except for one canine tooth and it looked decayed. His eyes were tired looking and showing his age. He spent the rest of the day just laying around looking for a handout and by afternoon the campground host came around and saw him. I enquired about the dog and was told he had been there for three years and that most of the campers were tolerant of him and gave him food.
So what to do? Do you pick him up and bring him home or do you let nature take it course. He can't harm anyone, he has no teeth and he isn't a nuisance unless you don't like dogs, and no one seems to mind him being there. He is gentle and likes other animals as seen by his interaction with our dog. He still would not let me touch him but he would eat from my hand. Enough said, what would you do???

On June 28th 2008 Old Fella passed away of complications caused by bone cancer. Fella spent almost three years with his new family and became the icon of rescued old stray dogs. He will be greatly missed but his foot prints have been left in our hearts forever.

Now Charlie, the ten year old rescued Golden Lab has come to be a part of the continuing Old Fella story. (*Note, Charlie took his journey to Rainbow Bridge unexpectedly September 30, 2008)Suzie continues to charm her way into our hearts with her antics as she has grown from a puppy into a young lady. Togther they will carry on the Old Fella legacy. Come join us in their daily lives and be a part of the best feel good thread in RV.NET history. The legacy lives on.

HIghways Article Puppy Love

Old Fella Burke County Animal Rescue
2016 Ford F250 King Ranch Crew Cab 6.7 Power Stroke
2015 Montana Model 3611 with 4400 Pullrite Hitch.

Wife Sue
Pets: Rainbow Bridge: Bart, Old Fella, Levi, Charlie, Mama, Hobo, Izzie, Peaches. Others Suzie, Dixie.

Old Fella Burke County Animal Rescue
32,293 REPLIES 32,293

At last, at last Fall is here in Las Vegas! It only lasts a few weeks so I'm planning on taking Beren up to Goldfield for a few days at the end of the month. Can't wait for our next camping adventure! Do y'all keep an eye on Old Fella Rescue? They seem to be having a hard time with the locals. Please keep the workers there in your prayers, and the rescue on your donation list. Love to all you FOOFs out there.
Dogmom, Railfan, Dancer
Co-Pilots: Nimrodel & Beren
DOTLs: Spcs. Bortan, Dernhelm & Erkenbrand, Rainbow Div. 11/11, 2/09, 1/14
Jayco 17Z, GMC Yukon, GMC Canyon
There's a whole pack waiting for me at the Bridge - I'll have to take a lot of tennis balls!

I sure hope you aren't caught in this rain thing happening today! Altho it was pretty warm during our dark hours, this morning it is very cool. I tell you, I just HATE cold weather. Today we are going to get some rain. I hope it clears up before the children are out this evening. I have not lived in this house before so I don't know if ghosts and goblins will visit me tonight. Actually this house is a new build so it would be new to the children also. Did I mention, I love having children visit in their costumes?

Explorer III
Explorer III
We had a good weekend. We took our first trip in the motorhome since Labor Day weekend. Our doggies had a good time meeting new friends at the RV park. Have another trip planned next weekend to go to Jacksonville to visit my uncle.
2018 Miramar 35.3 Motorhome
3 fur kids (Monty, ZuZu and Pinto)
Rainbow bridge (Murphy, Petie, Lola)

We have had several days of extremely warm weather and cool nights. They were enjoyed! After today tho we are segueing back to more normal temps and rain. We had an outstanding weekend here. Now back to same o same o. Hope everyone had a great weekend.

Doing better. Dale and Burch, I hope you both are as well. My children all have checked in with me as well as my grands. Tell me, honestly, is there anything better than our grands?

aro_sie wrote:
Dale. Hope the light coat you got is really one you like. that seems to be the way I get my favorite clothing. I guess the booty of the whole deal was seeing the rocket launch! Lucky you! Did that excite the children? Of course, if they see it regularly they may have just taken it as an everyday occurrence. God Bless you for being there for your grands. So many people today just sail on in life and ignore them. Love reading your posts,
hugs the rosie one.

I do like the jacket. In fact, there were two I really liked, both different weights. I actually went back the next day and bought the other one. They were only $34 at Burlington. My only jackets/coats are all 30 years old as we stayed in warm weather the entire time we fulltimed. Now even visiting relatives in Indiana in the summer, I sometimes need a light coat.

Sorry to hear about your fall. Take care of yourself.

Yes, down here in Florida, especially on the east coast, we see rocket launches all the time, but as people say. . . it never gets old. Everyone at the park stopped and watched the rocket at least for a few minutes. It was pretty cool.

Dale Pace
Widow of Terry (Teacher's Pet)

Traveling with Brendon, my Scottish Terrier

2022 Honda Odyssey
2011 Mazda Miata MX-5

2021 Coach House Platinum III 250DT
Fulltimed for 15 years, now living in Florida

Explorer III
Explorer III
aro_sie wrote:
Good Morning! I was outside yesterday getting a new section of driveway made and a pad for another garage when I on the way to the house, lost my balance and fell hard face first into the concrete walkway. I look like a raccoon and one of my eyes is so swollen I can barely see out of it.

Ouch! So sorry to hear about your fall. My next door neighbor had a seizure a few days ago when he was at the grocery store. He fell and hurt his back and banged his head really hard. Has some brain bleeding and is still in the hospital. He had never had seizure's before and now has had two in the last couple of months. I hope you get to feeling better soon and get healed up.

2018 Miramar 35.3 Motorhome
3 fur kids (Monty, ZuZu and Pinto)
Rainbow bridge (Murphy, Petie, Lola)

Dale. Hope the light coat you got is really one you like. that seems to be the way I get my favorite clothing. I guess the booty of the whole deal was seeing the rocket launch! Lucky you! Did that excite the children? Of course, if they see it regularly they may have just taken it as an everyday occurrence. God Bless you for being there for your grands. So many people today just sail on in life and ignore them. Love reading your posts,
hugs the rosie one.

Good Morning! I was outside yesterday getting a new section of driveway made and a pad for another garage when I on the way to the house, lost my balance and fell hard face first into the concrete walkway. I look like a raccoon and one of my eyes is so swollen I can barely see out of it.

Burch, we have been having those temps here for a few weeks now. My guy Charles is a quick out and back in guy, hes kinda large to be a house dog, but, it is what it is. I really enjoy reading this site. Have a great day .

MetalGator wrote:
Hello FOOFs

We got our first taste of cool weather here in West Central Florida the last couple of days. Well, cool for Florida anyway. It was 53 degrees this morning. ZuZu is loving this cool weather. She has some thick fur/hair and she is hot all the time. I couldn't get her to come in this morning as she was enjoying being outside. She is such a sweet dog. She is starting to grow out of puppy mode.

Monty really likes the cool weather as well. He was acting all frisky yesterday when he was outside. Pinto hates the cool/cold weather so he goes outside just long enough to do his business and wants back inside. During the summer, he bakes himself outside on the patio.

I hope everyone is doing well.


I am staying with my granddaughter in Melbourne while the kids are in Colorado for a business conference. I forgot outerwear as I don't need it in central Florida, but here on the coast it got cold. Since I am at the ball park every night till 8:30-9 for either practice or a game, I had to go buy a coat, lightweight, but heavier than my sweater. LOL A big caveat was that the other night just as the game ended, that rocket launched, went right over us. What a magnificent sight! I videotaped it and have it on FB. I had to turn on heat here. LOL

Dale Pace
Widow of Terry (Teacher's Pet)

Traveling with Brendon, my Scottish Terrier

2022 Honda Odyssey
2011 Mazda Miata MX-5

2021 Coach House Platinum III 250DT
Fulltimed for 15 years, now living in Florida

Explorer III
Explorer III
Hello FOOFs

We got our first taste of cool weather here in West Central Florida the last couple of days. Well, cool for Florida anyway. It was 53 degrees this morning. ZuZu is loving this cool weather. She has some thick fur/hair and she is hot all the time. I couldn't get her to come in this morning as she was enjoying being outside. She is such a sweet dog. She is starting to grow out of puppy mode.

Monty really likes the cool weather as well. He was acting all frisky yesterday when he was outside. Pinto hates the cool/cold weather so he goes outside just long enough to do his business and wants back inside. During the summer, he bakes himself outside on the patio.

I hope everyone is doing well.

2018 Miramar 35.3 Motorhome
3 fur kids (Monty, ZuZu and Pinto)
Rainbow bridge (Murphy, Petie, Lola)

No wonder humans are so loving to their dogs. They bring us so much joy and entertainment. I bought Charles a new bed. It is beautiful and fluffy. Guess where he prefers to sleep? The floor! I am thinking the thick fluffy bed maybe too warm. Maybe in the dead of winter he will see its advantages.


Explorer III
Explorer III
aro_sie wrote:
Wow, she sounds like a ball of energy. Plowing into things all the time makes me wonder if she has vision problems. Could that be possible or is she just so fast she has no time to correct her line of passage?

She is a ball of energy. She can see fine but she runs around the house and I have tile floors so she is always skidding and running into things. Especially her brother Pinto. She plows into him all the time wanting to play and it just makes him mad.

She is either on or off. She can be running around like crazy one minute and passed out on the floor the next. She is definitely free entertainment.
2018 Miramar 35.3 Motorhome
3 fur kids (Monty, ZuZu and Pinto)
Rainbow bridge (Murphy, Petie, Lola)

Wow, she sounds like a ball of energy. Plowing into things all the time makes me wonder if she has vision problems. Could that be possible or is she just so fast she has no time to correct her line of passage? It was pretty chilly here in North Carolina this morning. No rain tho, happy about that. Charles is supposed to arrive for good this weekend. I will be glad to see him. He acts like someone in his past has abused him. I hope he gets his confidence back when living here.

Explorer III
Explorer III
aro_sie wrote:
Burch how is Zuzu? is the walking helping her trim up? Is she good on a leash?

ZuZu is doing OK. She still has a slight limp from when she hurt her from leg last week. She does walk well on a leash but I haven't walked her much due to her hurting herself. She flies around like crazy in the house. I am surprised she hasn't hurt herself more. She just plows into things all the time. She is just full of energy.
2018 Miramar 35.3 Motorhome
3 fur kids (Monty, ZuZu and Pinto)
Rainbow bridge (Murphy, Petie, Lola)