Here are the stats from our 2016 Alaska trip. We left home on May 23rd and arrived home on August 21st. It was a trip of a lifetime for us.
10,811 miles
1106.28 gallons of diesel
9.77 mpg average
$3153.89 fuel cost
$2.85 per gallon average
Dry camped 49 nights
Campgrounds 41 nights
$1240.76 campgrounds $35.45/night average
Dining out $1754.
Entertainment - Tickets etc. - $1962.78
Our Journal
'07 HR Scepter - 400HP
'02 Tracker
'02 Honda Reflex
'16 Chevy Silverado - M&G Brake System
'17 RZR 900 Trail
'17 RZR 1000 High Lifter
How does it feel
To be on your own
With no direction home
Like a complete unknown
Like a rolling stone? - Bob Dylan