Forum Discussion

bellhull's avatar
Mar 23, 2017

Route north of Kansas City vs going thru.

We will be traveling from Wichita to Madison, WI. I would like to try the route from Topeka to St Joe and then back over to I35 (hwys 4,59 & 36) vs going through Kansas City. Is this a good idea?
  • I've done it several times, usually in my pickup or full-size van, but once with 30-foot C. I'm always going south on 59 (my northbound routes are different, it is a time of day thing) so can't advise on connections northbound.

    The route through Atchison is not too bad. I've side tripped a couple of times there to visit the Amelia Earhart Birthplace museum, which is not too bad with a smaller vehicle, but you can get trapped in that neighborhood with a RV.

    South side of St Joseph can be slow going, particularly the Lake Avenue section, which is a busy residential-light industrial section with narrow old rough streets and diagonal three-way to five-way intersections.

    Once you get on US-36 it is four-lane divided (but not controlled access) all the way to the Mississippi River, with traffic lights only in Cameron around the I-35 junction.

    Be sure to check with DOT in Kansas and Missouri. I've been caught a couple of times by road closings between Atchison and St Joe, and forced to do some backtracking.
  • We towed our 5th wheel over US 36 from Hannibal to St. Jo in the fall of 2015. Several 4-lane sections, especially over the many rolling hills. We took a roundabout way between Madison and Hannibal via I-90 to Rockford, IL Route 2 to Dixon, I-88 to I-74, I-74 to Galesburg, US 34/US 67/US 24 to Fowler IL, then I-172/72 to Hannibal. But we had never driven through that area before, so we took the "scenic route" to get a better view of rural areas of IL instead of just the big cities. In other words, we weren't in any hurry because WE'RE RETIRED!
  • It is an OK way. I have been that way a lot over the years. 2 lane Kansas country roads not a big deal.
  • Take Hiway 75 north of Topeka up to I80. Some of it is 4 lane, but all good roads.
  • It's been awhile since I made that run. 4 is a good 2 lane thru the country. 59 is the same until in Atchison & St.Joe with some city driving. Your plan sounds good to me. If heading back to WI stay on 36 across MO.