Aug-21-2012 08:44 AM
Jul-30-2013 02:24 PM
bigcitypopo wrote:
Here is the link to my thread...
clicky right hee-a
Jul-30-2013 09:21 AM
Jul-30-2013 06:24 AM
Jul-29-2013 08:22 PM
Jul-02-2013 08:05 PM
Jul-01-2013 07:51 AM
Jun-30-2013 09:57 PM
bigcitypopo wrote:
I just ordered the Snyders RV kit. I will post pics of install.
Apr-04-2013 05:07 PM
Apr-04-2013 04:24 PM
Raften wrote:
So a question about putting a fan on top of the stack. Close off the opening except for a hole the size of the fan or fans?? I have one fan mounted up there and that only fills half or less of the stack opening. I have always felt it could pull better than it does.
Apr-03-2013 11:31 PM
Apr-02-2013 03:36 PM
Apr-01-2013 01:43 PM
beemerphile1 wrote:Cummins12V98 wrote:
...With the temps in the 90's and the frig on 4 the frig temp has ranged from 36 to 38!
The factory fans have only come on when the temps are in the mid to upper 90's.
With the continuous fan running the temp has stayed at a steady 36 when the temps are in the 80's or lower.
I had a similar situation with my pop up. See the cooling fins behind the single fan? Your problem is the air goes around those fins rather than through them.
I bent some aluminum stock to make baffles at the lower opening and the upper opening. Now all the air is forced to travel through the cooling fins and over the tubes rather than around them. I also installed two fans but have found them unneeded except for in the very hottest weather. Previously the refrigerator was about useless even in mild temperatures.
Apr-01-2013 10:49 AM
Cummins12V98 wrote:
...With the temps in the 90's and the frig on 4 the frig temp has ranged from 36 to 38!
The factory fans have only come on when the temps are in the mid to upper 90's.
With the continuous fan running the temp has stayed at a steady 36 when the temps are in the 80's or lower.
Mar-31-2013 03:21 PM
wantabe351 wrote:
You need to install a 12v computer fan inside the frig to move the air over the cooling fins.....