Aug-11-2019 04:48 PM
Nov-23-2019 11:11 PM
Oct-23-2019 04:55 AM
Dave H M wrote:
My cable will not work worth a flip if the antenna booster is turned on.
Oct-22-2019 07:41 PM
Oct-22-2019 06:19 AM
Oct-13-2019 05:05 PM
Aug-15-2019 07:19 PM
Aug-14-2019 06:08 AM
EgorKC wrote:Me Again wrote:
Could you explain where each of the four outlets are located?
1. Bedroom (direct from the Antenna power boost outlet)
2. Living room (main TV in street side wall)
3. Outside Kitchen (in ceiling)
4. ??????? (Outdoor sidewall to left of entry door)
Since the Living room, Outdoor Kitchen and Outside sidewall all feed off of the connection at the power boost there must be a splitter. The Bedroom one has always had the best picture it has Never really been as clear as when hooked directly to the Park Cable connection. The others are worse. I have removed and tightened each of these. Ends feel and appear to be crimped well but I will replace if the splitter proves to be ok.
Aug-13-2019 07:09 PM
Me Again wrote:
Could you explain where each of the four outlets are located?
1. Bedroom (direct from the Antenna power boost outlet)
2. Living room (main TV in street side wall)
3. Outside Kitchen (in ceiling)
4. ??????? (Outdoor sidewall to left of entry door)
Aug-12-2019 09:52 PM
Aug-12-2019 05:48 PM
Fire19 wrote:
Have you tried replacing the end of the coax connection? I was also having issues and the person at the factory that crimped the cable did not do a good job. When I replaced both ends behind the wall plate I got much better signal.
Aug-12-2019 05:36 PM
Me Again wrote:EgorKC wrote:
We have a 2013 Forest River Wildcat Rear Living 5th wheel. Cable TV has never worked great but has been much worse the last 4-5 years, If I run Cable from Campground post direct through window to any TV reception is perfect. Through the main 5er cable input it is very snowy. I replaced the Antenna power boost outlet and removed all 4 of the Cable hookups and verified a tight connection. I also checked the main Cable input to verify tight. No change in snow. None of these have a splitter connected to the cable. I pulled all lines out as far as they had slack and no splitter. I then removed every access panel in the main trailer and basement to look for a main cable splitter. NO luck. There has to be one somewhere as this trailer has 1 cable inlet and 4 cable outlets. Does anyone have any idea where it could be? I will contact Forest River but my understanding from research is that RV's are wired based on the whim of the crew that given day. Thus I expect no real help there. We can use antenna reception but DW prefers the cable variety. Hoping to get help narrowing down the hunt.
I have to ask a basic question. You are turning off the OTA antenna booster when connected to park cable? (Yes)
When you say 4 cable outlets, does that mean at four different locations in the trailer? Or two each at two locations? If two each at two locations, there is probably a SAT input somewhere that you are missing. (4 individual cable outlets none of which are loose or have any splitter connected when I pull out as much cable as the play allows. No outlets are marked SAT.)
Might be time to buy a coax compression tool and some ends, and replace crimped ends with the newer compression ends. (Will do only after I locate and replace the splitter. Our experience with cable in multiple locations has been splitters are the culprit.)
The OTA antenna power supply/booster has a splitter built into it. So the three connections on the back are: (Already replaced with Identical unit the Winegard came with.)
1. OTA Antenna
2. Cable in
3. Output (Antenna or Cable, depending on switch on or off)
Front connection also gets switched between OTA Antenna and cable via the power button. A good test would be to hook up to cable and install a cable from the front outlet to the main TV if the power/supply booster is in the bedroom. That would islolate the problem as before or after the power supply.
In many cases, they put a splitter on the 2nd TV output and it is in the wall behind the power supply. You say you already looked there however.
I would think that by 2013 just about all trailers had sat cables installed OEM. Thanks for the ideas. I am now certain it must be behind the Electric Fireplace and will check there next trip. Unit is in storage now.
(Thanks for the ideas. I will remove Fireplace and check behind it. I suspect that is where I will find it.)
Aug-12-2019 08:09 AM
EgorKC wrote:
We have a 2013 Forest River Wildcat Rear Living 5th wheel. Cable TV has never worked great but has been much worse the last 4-5 years, If I run Cable from Campground post direct through window to any TV reception is perfect. Through the main 5er cable input it is very snowy. I replaced the Antenna power boost outlet and removed all 4 of the Cable hookups and verified a tight connection. I also checked the main Cable input to verify tight. No change in snow. None of these have a splitter connected to the cable. I pulled all lines out as far as they had slack and no splitter. I then removed every access panel in the main trailer and basement to look for a main cable splitter. NO luck. There has to be one somewhere as this trailer has 1 cable inlet and 4 cable outlets. Does anyone have any idea where it could be? I will contact Forest River but my understanding from research is that RV's are wired based on the whim of the crew that given day. Thus I expect no real help there. We can use antenna reception but DW prefers the cable variety. Hoping to get help narrowing down the hunt.
Aug-12-2019 06:06 AM
Aug-11-2019 05:56 PM
neschultz wrote:
Not the right year but here’s a List of some locations.
Why not run the cable in thru the satellite connection?