โNov-30-2014 04:02 AM
โDec-09-2014 01:31 PM
โDec-09-2014 12:37 PM
โDec-09-2014 09:47 AM
goducks10 wrote:rattleNsmoke wrote:
This thread has certainly become a piszin' match eh? :B
Yuh think. :R
โDec-09-2014 09:39 AM
rattleNsmoke wrote:
This thread has certainly become a piszin' match eh? :B
โDec-09-2014 09:34 AM
โDec-08-2014 08:24 PM
rhagfo wrote:Greene728 wrote:Lantley wrote:Allworth wrote:
For every one that has failed there are thousands out there doing whatever is asked of them day after day.
Any Ford would be my third choice of brands just because I have never been a Ford fan; but to give up a good one because somebody else had a problem is not my way of doing things.
To tell someone that a 6.0 is a problem free truck as good as any other diesel of the same era would be misleading and dishonest at this point.
Bullet proofing is not a term associated with the other brands
How's that? I've got a 2005 6.0 that's got 100k and not had any real issues at all. Recently I started having a little injector stiction issues (in one injector only) that they synthetic oil and archoil additive cleared right up and she's running better than ever. And its not bullet proofed.
Can you honestly say the truck he bought after selling the one he had is better? Its sub par to what he had in basically every category.
Well 100K might be fine for a gas engine, life for a diesel starts at 250K I am at 277K on a one owner used Cummins, 40K of my mileage. Would you buy a used 6.0 at 234K and not think twice about it!.
Truck and engine in great shape.
Sub-par except for the life expectancy of the engine, if he is a true Ford fan only two real choices, 2002 or older and 2011 and newer.
I WAS a Ford fan, then I bought a Cummins!
โDec-08-2014 08:00 PM
Greene728 wrote:Lantley wrote:Allworth wrote:
For every one that has failed there are thousands out there doing whatever is asked of them day after day.
Any Ford would be my third choice of brands just because I have never been a Ford fan; but to give up a good one because somebody else had a problem is not my way of doing things.
To tell someone that a 6.0 is a problem free truck as good as any other diesel of the same era would be misleading and dishonest at this point.
Bullet proofing is not a term associated with the other brands
How's that? I've got a 2005 6.0 that's got 100k and not had any real issues at all. Recently I started having a little injector stiction issues (in one injector only) that they synthetic oil and archoil additive cleared right up and she's running better than ever. And its not bullet proofed.
Can you honestly say the truck he bought after selling the one he had is better? Its sub par to what he had in basically every category.
โDec-08-2014 07:11 PM
Richard_999 wrote:
Greene ..It had nothing to do with any PEER PRESSURE.
I do not recognize the existance of that, and never have ...(giant ego I guess)...but it does have to do with accepting knowledge from those who have already paid dearly for it. The transmission on my 'most recent' purchase has just had the transmission rebuilt.
You didn't happen to mention YOUR personal experiences with either of these engines. I welcome any experiences YOU have had with either.
โDec-08-2014 06:33 PM
Lantley wrote:Allworth wrote:
For every one that has failed there are thousands out there doing whatever is asked of them day after day.
Any Ford would be my third choice of brands just because I have never been a Ford fan; but to give up a good one because somebody else had a problem is not my way of doing things.
To tell someone that a 6.0 is a problem free truck as good as any other diesel of the same era would be misleading and dishonest at this point.
Bullet proofing is not a term associated with the other brands
โDec-08-2014 06:25 PM
Allworth wrote:
For every one that has failed there are thousands out there doing whatever is asked of them day after day.
Any Ford would be my third choice of brands just because I have never been a Ford fan; but to give up a good one because somebody else had a problem is not my way of doing things.
โDec-08-2014 05:39 PM
Richard_999 wrote:
Once again ... Thanks to all who gave USEFUL comments .
โDec-08-2014 04:42 PM
โDec-08-2014 02:31 PM
โDec-08-2014 09:37 AM