Apr-19-2015 09:26 PM
Apr-20-2015 01:01 PM
Apr-20-2015 12:13 PM
Apr-20-2015 10:52 AM
Apr-20-2015 10:40 AM
JIMNLIN wrote:
You'll find some folks are brand blind so their hitch brand is always the best.
I would suggest what ever brand you choose just make sure it pivots four ways . Makes hooking up and unhooking on unlevel surfaces much easier.
Also do you want a clean bed system with no bed rails laying in the bed.
Generally short bed trucks may need a sliding hitch. Some sliding hitches are manually operated....some are automatic like the Pullrite Superglide and others.
Or instead of a expensive auto sliding hitch look at the Reese Sidewinder or 5th Airborne Sidewinder systems which replaces the conventional pin box but uses a regular 5th wheel hitch.
And some of the newer 5th wheel trailers have a notched/rounded front corner profile that eliminates the need for a sliding hitch on some short bed trucks.
Do your homework and search all the hitch brands websites to see what is actually out here and how it works.
Apr-20-2015 09:35 AM
Apr-20-2015 09:26 AM
Apr-20-2015 08:57 AM
Apr-20-2015 07:38 AM
hbillsmith wrote:
Highly recommend the Andersen Ultimate Aluminum
Apr-20-2015 07:34 AM
Apr-20-2015 07:23 AM
geometro wrote:No, see below:
Isn't that Anderson for a gooseneck instead of the hitch I've seen on the front of most trailers? I thought converting to a gooseneck put too much torque on the trailer frame and requires more precise tow vehicle alignment than a 5th wheel hitch.
Apr-20-2015 07:17 AM
Apr-20-2015 07:13 AM
Apr-20-2015 07:10 AM
Apr-20-2015 06:52 AM
Apr-20-2015 06:31 AM