Jul-27-2015 06:46 AM
Aug-11-2015 06:52 AM
Aug-11-2015 06:39 AM
GMandJM wrote:The fact they are stopping PPOs for individuals and not employer groups would indicate that BCBS got severe "adverse selection" in their enrollment. Many people predicted this. To me, it was obvious the most likely people to buy insurance under the ACA were those people who had pre-existing conditions, were older, those who could only afford a policy with the financial supplements (and you can easily document that poverty is linked to poorer health) and those people who already were paying for a policy and had to make the jump to an ACA approved policy.wannavolunteerFT wrote:
GMandJM, like you, I am excited to see the Self plus One option coming out...Maybe this January my check will go up instead of down, due to insurance increases outweighing any increase in pay.
I'm with you on that, but with no COLA next year (for me, anyway) I'm thinking it's gonna pretty much a wash. That could be just wishful thinking on my part though. 😉
It will be interesting when the actual numbers come out, but I've been looking some of the "hypotheticals" and they're all over the place price wise.
With FEBH it's really going to be a smaller, defined pool of people: Retirees plus one "dependent" (spouse, presumably) who are not age-eligible for Medicare.
And I guess that's what bothers me so much about the BCBS TX thing. That was also a smaller, defined pool of people they're shuttling into HMOs or offloading to other insurers. (Or "shedding", for those who might disagree with the term "offloading".)
BCBS TX is still offering PPO plans to people who have insurance through their employer.
They're just not going to offer PPO plans to people who self-pay for private policies. Self-payers will be offered only HMO's (which most people would not prefer.)
Apparently that unemployed/self-employed, pool of people in TX who pay for health insurance out of pocket, on its own, was too expensive to BCBS.
And it makes me wonder what "pool of people" BCBS (or any other insurer" is going to target next.
Aug-11-2015 06:30 AM
Aug-11-2015 05:55 AM
Aug-06-2015 09:34 AM
carl2591 wrote:
problem i see is medical cost are too high for the amount of service provided. Too many doctors living in million dollar homes, driving expensize cars, having million dollar yachts with million suffering higher and higher insurance cost do to this and other facts.
Aug-04-2015 09:25 AM
ML wrote:
A couple years ago a friend was in the hospital curiosity prompted my DH to go the accounting office to ask how much a particular outpatient procedure would cost? They asked if he had insurance? He asked for both prices $800 for cash and $2000 for insurance. If we got rid of the middleman healthcare costs might go down? I have met a couple of people on the road that have paid their own medical bills by making arrangements directly with the hospital or doctor's office instead of an insurance company. …
Barb & Dave O'Keeffe - full-timing since 2006
Figment II
(2002 Alpine 36 MDDS) 🙂Aug-04-2015 06:25 AM
Aug-03-2015 06:55 AM
Aug-02-2015 03:43 PM
Aug-01-2015 08:37 AM
wannavolunteerFT wrote:
GMandJM, like you, I am excited to see the Self plus One option coming out...Maybe this January my check will go up instead of down, due to insurance increases outweighing any increase in pay.
Aug-01-2015 05:26 AM
Jul-30-2015 10:56 AM
tsetsaf wrote:
Politically neutral comment here...
tsetsaf wrote:
I LOVE dealing with insurance companies now that a government agency is involved! Be glad you are not in CA... Covered California just announced they will be collecting ALL member health records to "help save money". Oh they are negative budget right now and paid an outside company $9m to help.
Jul-30-2015 09:46 AM
Jul-30-2015 09:34 AM
dahkota wrote:
Interesting. I'm left wondering if it is bad management by BCBS Texas, really high medical charges in Texas, or general poor health of Texans.
Barb & Dave O'Keeffe - full-timing since 2006
Figment II
(2002 Alpine 36 MDDS) 🙂Jul-30-2015 09:15 AM