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Canada sizzling!

We are at the beginning of a severe heatwave here in BC. The forecast high for Kamloops is 46C , which if achieved, will be the highest EVER Canadian temperature. What is really amazing is that it is still June! For those metrically challenged, that is 115F. Yes many places in the US have been hotter, but I bet that if we weren't still in a pandemic, we could go down to the ferry dock and watch passengers getting off the Seattle ferry wearing winter jackets! 😉
Sometimes I sit and think deep thoughts. other times, I just sit!

noteven wrote:
Which is the most effective “greenhouse gas”?

1. CO2?

2. Water vapor?

Answer: CO2, by far. Per kilogram CO2 is about 1000 times more effective at trapping heat than water vapor.

But that is not the answer you were hoping for - next you will try and make the point that water vapor is actually trapping more heat than CO2. However this is a tired argument that has been debunked hundreds of times over.. Who tried to tell you otherwise?

The important thing about water vapor is that it is constantly cycling between surface water (lakes, oceans etc), atmospheric water vapor, clouds, rain, snow, ice etc. The most important factor that determines how much water vapor is in the atmosphere is the temperature of the atmosphere and oceans. If you increase the temperature by trapping heat with CO2, you evaporate more water from the oceans into the atmosphere, where is traps even more heat, magnifying the effect from CO2. This is called a positive feedback and is well understood by scientists.

Explorer III
Explorer III
wapiticountry wrote:
How long have accurate temperature records been kept in Western US and Canada? My semi-educated guess is less than 150 years. I don't see Trapper Joe of Kamloops carrying around a highly accurate meteorological kit in addition to his traps and hides. Given there are 365.25 days in a year you can expect to set a couple of record highs and lows in any given year.
Personally, I will contribute to "global warming" by cranking up the AC. I will add stress to the power grid and probably add to the profits of the fossil fuel industry just like most everyone else. And I will sleep soundly, without a tinge of regret.

Western Canada/ northern US - Hudson Bay Company factors routinely kept weather records at the posts since the 1600’s.

Explorer III
Explorer III
Which is the most effective “greenhouse gas”?

1. CO2?

2. Water vapor?

Explorer II
Explorer II
We know Co2 concentrations back 800,000 years. That's all we need to know.
"If I'm wearing long pants, I'm too far north" - 2oldman

Nomad II
Nomad II
wapiticountry wrote:
How long have accurate temperature records been kept in Western US and Canada?

1868. So your guess was close.

You could go to a mini split air conditioning system to save energy, and over the long run money.
Regards, Don
My ride is a 28 foot Class C, 256 watts solar, 556 amp-hours of Telcom jars, 3000 watt Magnum hybrid inverter, Sola Basic Autoformer, Microair Easy Start.

wapiticountry wrote:
How long have accurate temperature records been kept in Western US and Canada? My semi-educated guess is less than 150 years. I don't see Trapper Joe of Kamloops carrying around a highly accurate meteorological kit in addition to his traps and hides. Given there are 365.25 days in a year you can expect to set a couple of record highs and lows in any given year.
Personally, I will contribute to "global warming" by cranking up the AC. I will add stress to the power grid and probably add to the profits of the fossil fuel industry just like most everyone else. And I will sleep soundly, without a tinge of regret.

How earth's past climates are determined:

Also, for climate change, one doesn't even have to go beyond the historical record. The increase in average global temperature is obvious just over the period of time records have been kept.
2021 Four Winds 26B on Chevy 4500

How long have accurate temperature records been kept in Western US and Canada? My semi-educated guess is less than 150 years. I don't see Trapper Joe of Kamloops carrying around a highly accurate meteorological kit in addition to his traps and hides. Given there are 365.25 days in a year you can expect to set a couple of record highs and lows in any given year.
Personally, I will contribute to "global warming" by cranking up the AC. I will add stress to the power grid and probably add to the profits of the fossil fuel industry just like most everyone else. And I will sleep soundly, without a tinge of regret.

Nomad II
Nomad II
noteven wrote:
Climate discussion Nexus and CO2 Science are a couple of sources for non alarmist info and history. Much of it not based on computer modelling.

Co2 Science appears to be funded by an oil company. It speaks of the benefits of increasing Co2 in the atmosphere.

Nexus appears to be firmly in the climate change denier group--citing Canada as a shining example of technology and lowering emissions.

Here is a quote from Nexus: "As we said in February about record lows across the Northern Hemisphere, “If these were record highs, you know what they’d say: proof of climate change.” And they did. Incidentally the Texas power grid, which underperformed tragically in the ice storms, is now underperforming in the heat wave; are you quite sure renewables can get it done? Because creating energy shortages in Texas is quite an achievement, but not one to boast about. Or blame on fossil fuels, though the Electrical Reliability Council of Texas tried."

They quote "private donations from interested parties" for the seed money to start up.

Clearly both these organizations believe in Santa Claus.

In short, both organizations are apologists for climate change deniers.
Regards, Don
My ride is a 28 foot Class C, 256 watts solar, 556 amp-hours of Telcom jars, 3000 watt Magnum hybrid inverter, Sola Basic Autoformer, Microair Easy Start.

noteven wrote:
Climate discussion Nexus and CO2 Science are a couple of sources for non alarmist info and history. Much of it not based on computer modelling.


With all the research and resources done by thousands of scientists at NASA, NOAA, the National Academy of Science, the World Meteorological Organization and every other scientific research organizations, it is actually some former Peabody Coal employees, with a blog that was funded by Peabody Coal that are providing the real accurate (non alarmist) information? That seems a little hard to believe.

Explorer III
Explorer III
Climate discussion Nexus and CO2 Science are a couple of sources for non alarmist info and history. Much of it not based on computer modelling.

Orion wrote:
46C thats not unusaly for Kamloops

You have to distinguish between the temp that guys get from their sundeck thermometers and an 'Official Temp'. Kamloops has never been at 46C as the all time high for all of Canada is 45C.
To get an unofficial accurate temp, you have to have an 'approved' thermometer in the correct white painted ventilated shelter, at the correct height above the ground, which has to be typical natural vegetation. In addition, there is a complex formula on on how high and distant nearby objects can be, trees buildings etc.
You can never make a temp lower, but many things can make the temp higher.

I have three different ones, none are in the sun or close to a place that will radiate heat. the difference is that at the airport they are after the convergance of the north and south thompson rivers and the wind usaly funnels down the north and to them. I am more east on the south river and the sun bakes the river vally all day so we are a micro climate. when kamloops gets rain we normaly don't . there are pockets all along tha valley that are like this. for example I can grow peaches at my house where you would get winter kill at the airport.

2014 F350 6.7 Platinum
2016 Cougar 330RBK
1991 Slumberqueen WS100

Sizzling here in VA also.....Charlottesville is supposed to be 94 tomorrow. Hoping its not Armageddon, perhaps its just Summer, like the ones in the past.

The prediction for tomorrow (Monday) is 110F in Seattle. That’s an all-time record. Most folks in W. Washington have no air conditioning. Until now it was never needed.
2011 Chevy 2500 Duramax diesel
2019 Timber Ridge 24RLS (Outdoors RV)
Go Cougs!

46C thats not unusaly for Kamloops

You have to distinguish between the temp that guys get from their sundeck thermometers and an 'Official Temp'. Kamloops has never been at 46C as the all time high for all of Canada is 45C.
To get an unofficial accurate temp, you have to have an 'approved' thermometer in the correct white painted ventilated shelter, at the correct height above the ground, which has to be typical natural vegetation. In addition, there is a complex formula on on how high and distant nearby objects can be, trees buildings etc.
You can never make a temp lower, but many things can make the temp higher.
Sometimes I sit and think deep thoughts. other times, I just sit!

Explorer III
Explorer III
I did not say I do not believe the climate changes. There is plenty of evidence of that.

I look at reasonable evidence from both sides.

I ignore “alarmist” and politician statements for what they are which is propaganda.

How did people handle climate change in the ancient times? Human intellect and reason, mobility innovation and adaptability. Probably not by propaganda and tax and spend.