Sorry Guys. I should have been clearer. We live in Brevard, NC and are headed to see my dad in Georgetown, Texas, just north of Austin. I40 would be my choice if we were going in the summer but it won't be summer; it will be winter. The long term forecast is for super cold temperatures. The section of I40 from Asheville to Knoxville is especially difficult. Most of the way it is two lanes only on each side of the interstate; it is a major truck route with lots of semi's on it. If you get stuck behind one of those on a steep grade, of which there are many through the gorge, you end up in low gear going 20 t 30 miles/hour for miles. . .and that's if, and it's a big if, there is no ice or snow. On top of weather issues on steep grades, there is the constant threat of rock slides that frequently close down I40 on one side or both. That late in the year I am just not willing to take the chance with the northern route, however much more direct and easy it definitely would be in the summer.
So. . .that brings us back to Atlanta. There are two routes out of Brevard that will get us the the SC/Ga state line. One is 276 to 11 and the other is 64 to 11. With those two pieces of information as givens, I still want to avoid Atlanta if I can. I know that traffic is not as bad week days from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. As we are leaving on a Saturday the week-end before Christmas, I am sure the roads in and around Atlanta will be a snarl of impossible traffic. Changing lanes in a car on a Saturday was a challenge when my husband were there in August. The thought of doing so with 38.5 feet of RV makes me queezy. My husband says if I can drive in downtown Paris at rush hour, and believe me I have, I can handle Atlanta. He says we are bigger than everyone else except a semi so at least we won't be easy to miss. . .and when I start to get over, whoever is looking to block me will likely give way owing to my size. All that said, I would happily detour if I could figure out how.
So I say again, suggestions?