Nov-26-2012 02:15 PM
Jul-08-2014 02:20 PM
Jul-07-2014 01:25 PM
Jul-07-2014 04:32 AM
Alan_Hepburn wrote:
We've been researching this as well for a trip next year. I've seen several recommendations for the French Quarter RV Park, but nobody ever mentions cost - so I looked. I thought parks here in California were expensive, but I'd have to have a REALLY good reason to want to spend almost $100 a night for a parking space!
My preliminary research has shown a place called Pine Crest RV Park of New Orleans in Slidell - can anybody tell me whether or not it is a viable option for visiting New Orleans for a few days? The cost is certainly more reasonable, at around $30...
Jul-06-2014 10:17 PM
Jul-06-2014 10:11 PM
Jul-06-2014 08:21 PM
Jun-26-2014 02:50 PM
karaokegal wrote:
dear mark. i know all of the activities i mentioned are in the french quarter, but i live in new orleans and i never go down there due to the fact that it is just too dangerous. anyway when i go camping thats were i want to be ,in the campground all weekend. the french quater resort is beautiful and very nice, but most people who stay there are leaving the campground and heading to the city. in other words the are not camping there, they are parking there.
Jun-26-2014 08:07 AM
Jun-21-2014 10:52 AM
Jun-21-2014 07:20 AM
Jun-21-2014 07:15 AM
Jun-21-2014 06:24 AM
karaokegal wrote:
LOL about story above about CG on chef hwy. BAD< BAD area. I live in new orleans and i have said many times someone needs to put up a nice park close to new orleans but not in the city. when i want to go camping nearby there is no place to camp that is nice. french quarter resort is beautiful but it is for tourist that park there rigs and go into the city. sites are tight and no one is really camping. pricey too. ponchartain landing is nice but mostly same concept and somewhat pricey. there are alot of campgrounds across the lake which is the distance that i want to travel but most are run down and poorly managed. i say sometimes i have to put on my blinders to drive into most of them. please someone come and build a nice campground around here. anyone interested? i'll design it , it would be a funny party campground ,ie karaoke or DJ every weekend.. not kidding anyone want to be partners in a campground?
Jun-21-2014 05:55 AM
Jul-25-2013 10:28 AM
Donna and Rob wrote:
DW and I are in Mobile,Al and we're going to head across I-10 to New Orleans.
My question is I'd like to ask you wonderful ladies and gentlemen, where is the best place to dock our boat? DW is telling me something about Mardi Gras RV park but we just don't know because we've never camped there although we have stayed in NO.
We are keeping a list of all the parks we've stayed in so hopefully we will only have to ask once. So far we've been lucky in that all the parks have been super, thanks Rob