10forty2 wrote:
I think it's probably fine for light soil levels, but for what I just cleaned off the roof of mine this past weekend, it would never have even touched it. I spent about 2 hours on my hands and knees with a rag scrubbing every inch of the roof to get the tree mildew off of it. I didn't realize how bad it had become until I got up there to clean out the ceiling vents of leaf debris that had sucked into them. And honestly, I could spend ANOTHER 2 hours up there doing the same thing before it's ready to wax.....but I simply gave out and made a promise to get up there another day. I might invest in a lightweight young person that wants to make $50....... :-)
I surely sympathize with you. I too spent several hours on the top of mine scraping left over "Silicone" that was treaded all over it from the morons who installed the King Dome and related cables, prior to our purchasing the coach. Then, when that was all done, I used my Dewalt 200 polisher with a wool pad and, 3M machine polish. When that was done, I used Kit car wax on it. The whole process took me about 3 days 'cause I would work, take a break, work, take two breaks, work, sleep (up there) and well, as you can see, I did not do it all at one time.
But, it sure turned out nice when it was all done. That was about 2-3 years ago and, it's do for another wax job. I'll get there. In the pictures below, you'll see the reflection of the roof rails of my RV car port while I'm finishing the job up.