Feb-12-2014 09:37 PM
Feb-14-2014 04:48 AM
Feb-13-2014 08:44 PM
Feb-13-2014 08:41 PM
Feb-13-2014 05:43 PM
hardtobe wrote:Bill.Satellite wrote:
It sounds like it would be too speculative to me since you would be using other peoples input and out of date info as would be found on Google Earth. If you feel like you would like to do it, do it but as you said, it would just be "just one more reference" and if you are looking to find that "Discriminating Motor Coach Adventurer" you have just cut your market again by about 99%. I pick a park basis upon my travel requirements. If I want to visit St. Louis and you don't like the parks in the area I am not going to stay in St. Charles because there is a park there for the Discriminating RVer!
Feb-13-2014 05:41 PM
Keeter59 wrote:
Bil Satellite - Good point about the 99% but thats ok with me. There are places to stay all within a half days drive or less anywhere in the US. Again, parks are divided into different categories dependent on what they offer and how they look. You may not be able to or want to stay in a Platinum location but you will be able to find somewhere to stay that for sure will fit your needs if you have a big-rig; TRULY Pull-Thru, TRULY Full-Hookups and TRULY Big Rig FRIENDLY. If you prefer a Coyote Ugly site just for the night, it's on there. Basically, all I have done is visited tons of sites that rate these parks & used their input, I also visualized them on Google Earth and gleaned as much info from that as well. I have done my best to ensure they fit the needs of Big Rig, Full Hookups and appear to be the nicest in their area. Basically, according to me as interpreted from tons of ratings these parks ARE the best of the best in the area they are located in.
Feb-13-2014 05:26 PM
Feb-13-2014 05:15 PM
Bill.Satellite wrote:
It sounds like it would be too speculative to me since you would be using other peoples input and out of date info as would be found on Google Earth. If you feel like you would like to do it, do it but as you said, it would just be "just one more reference" and if you are looking to find that "Discriminating Motor Coach Adventurer" you have just cut your market again by about 99%. I pick a park basis upon my travel requirements. If I want to visit St. Louis and you don't like the parks in the area I am not going to stay in St. Charles because there is a park there for the Discriminating RVer!
Feb-13-2014 05:07 PM
Feb-13-2014 03:11 PM
Feb-13-2014 03:01 PM
Feb-13-2014 02:20 PM
Feb-13-2014 02:11 PM
Feb-13-2014 12:54 PM
fredbon wrote:
If it's my first visit, I use RV Park Reviews
Feb-13-2014 12:49 PM
Feb-13-2014 10:43 AM