a 5000
I have douched the carb several times with Seafoam, letting it sit overnight. I would block off the inlet fuel line, let the genset run a few seconds, then pump Seafoam in that tiny plastic spray tube they supply, into the fuel line that runs to the carb.
Also, I took the air cleaner off the carb, spraying Seafoam all over the choke butterfly. Also let it sit overnight.
I think I fouled one plug. So I changed both spark plugs this morning, including dropping the extension and spark plug socket down the back of the generator.
This AM it fired up, smoked a bit then settled down to a nice idle. After it warmed up I turned one AC unit on. Everything was fine until I shut the AC off after letting the gen run for 30 minutes,
Then the surging began again. I am thinking for the time being to just fire it up several times a day letting it run as long as it can using clean fresh fuel from the main tank that has Techroline additive.
Sooner or later I am sure I am in for a carb replacement. Fuel filter is clear, the pump is just does this surging thing then ultimately shuts down.
The gen has 501 hours on it btw.