I've posted my experience on several other threads, but will also chime in here. I had the braided extensions and every single time I checked cold pressures, one of the extenders had leaked. I was also told numerous times by other Rv'ers and tire technicians that the extenders were notorious for leaking. I had also installed a TPMS and the sensors would either work part of the time, or read erroneously. I finally broke down and bought these solid valve stems for dually wheels:
Dually Valve StemsA local shop installed them for me and since then, the pressure only varies due to ambient temps and not due to leaks. I, for one, will NOT use extenders again...braided or solid. I know others have used braided extenders with no problems for many years, but my experience was different.
1999 Holiday Rambler Endeavor, 36' Gasser
Triton V10, Ford F53 Chassis