โMay-13-2014 01:20 PM
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โJul-26-2014 10:33 AM
โJul-26-2014 09:45 AM
Terryallan wrote:brirene wrote:Terryallan wrote:rgatijnet1 wrote:hershey wrote:
Meguires is an excellent wax and all I would ever use on my '57 Ford. But for a 14 year old dull MH, the Red Max (now Zep) process is the only thing left to give showroom results. Mine is on now for 3 years and I've had to redo the front cap twice (I;m pretty agressive on the bugs) and the entry door once (poor preparation on first attempt).
Suggest you do a search for Red Max Pro on this forum and decide. The only people who poo poo it is the people who haven't tried it.
I would not use it on a full bodied RV. Common sense should prevail.
What a load of BS.
Here we have a fiberglass repair tech posting the right way to bring the shine back to a new finish and still the floor wax people think that their coating is better than the "real thing."
You talk about how you have had to redo some areas and about poor prep and here is an expert telling you how it should be done, and you still say he has no common sense because you have used an interior floor product instead of doing the job right.
The facts are that common sense does keep SOME people from making a mistake. In your case, common sense failed, and you went with what you thought was the easy way out and you had to redo it twice in the last three years. Do it right....do it once.
Me, I don't care. there is a reason I wax my vehicles, and take care of the GelCoat and paint.
However. For $100.00 per hour. I'll make the OPs look like new. It really blows my mind that people pay all this money for a nice RV, and then never take to the time to care for it, Or want to do it the "EASY" way. Got more money than sense I guess. But then. That's why the repair guy has a nice house, and his stuff always looks like new. Last summer I sold a 10 year old TT. And it looked as good as it did the day it was built. First people I told about it bought it. Their friends accused them of buying a brand NEW TT. Taking care of things ain't all that tough. Fixing them is way tougher.
Lol...you guys be careful not to fall off those well maintained pedestals you've got yourselves on. Wouldn't want you to have to come in contact with all us silly, lazy fools down here. :R Happy trails!
Pedestal? Nope. Just normal care, and maintenance. See. I can't afford to pay someone like me to fixup the TT. I cost too much. Its the same reason I replace the TT tires every 4 years. I don't like changing tires on the side of the road.
On the other hand. IF you don't maintain yours. You WILL come into contact with someone like me. And you might end up sending his kids to college.
I really don't understand paying tens / hundreds, of thousands for RVs, and letting them go. That is the reason some CGs have the 10 year rule. But then. Neglect your RV, and it will look like******in 2. And I guess you will be putting "spic, and span" or hard wood flooring polish on the paint
โMay-19-2014 04:25 PM
โMay-19-2014 04:20 PM
Grandpere wrote:
I am new to RV.net and was hoping to gt some useful information from this thread. But her is what I have learned:
1. Everyone has an opinion
2. Some people get really testy when their opinions are questioned
3. Some people are so opinionated that they are not accepting of other peoples experiences
4. There is no true short cuts to getting heavily oxidized fiberglass clean and shiny
My question is what is the stripper used to remove ZEP so I can start there on our new-to-us 87 Southwind?
If ZEP does not work then I will pay the $4500 to have it cleaned and waxed by a fiberglass professional.
โMay-19-2014 02:09 PM
โMay-16-2014 06:14 PM
2bzy2c wrote:
X's 2 ^
Maybe its time to close this thread.
โMay-16-2014 02:46 PM
โMay-16-2014 01:54 PM
rgatijnet1 wrote:I really don't know what put this burr under your saddle. My original post was straight forward and was made with the experience(s) I had and suggested other to do a search for further information. It absolutely didn't even elude to other solutions that others have used to get a desirable result. Your taking a lot of time to do a search and cherry pick only the 10% of negative results didn't do the other 90% of positive results justice. Your choosing to make this very personal and it really is only an alternate method to achieve a nice shine on a neglected MH. Its is not the only way..there are dozens of other ways to achieve the same results.
I did re-read your post although I read it right the first time. Here is a reminder to you.hershey wrote:
Meguires is an excellent wax and all I would ever use on my '57 Ford. But for a 14 year old dull MH, the Red Max (now Zep) process is the only thing left to give showroom results. Mine is on now for 3 years and I've had to redo the front cap twice (I;m pretty agressive on the bugs) and the entry door once (poor preparation on first attempt).
Suggest you do a search for Red Max Pro on this forum and decide. The only people who poo poo it is the people who haven't tried it.
I would not use it on a full bodied RV. Common sense should prevail.READ CLOSLY: I said that I would not use the Red Max Pro process on a full bodied paint. Common sense should prevail. Common sense was directed to that previous sentence, not to any other part of any other thread that you would like to direct it to.
For goodness sake, get real, get glasses so you can read, have someone explain the big words to you
Boy, you really got me on that one. :B
Now, read your first post CLOSELY and SLOWLY. You will see that you left off the word PAINT. Had you included that word, your next sentence about common sense could have been tied to it. Without the word PAINT to tie the two sentences together, your common sense statement meant to me that if someone did not use ZEP they had no common sense.
You also stated in your second sentence that ZEP was the ONLY thing left to give a showroom results, which is not true, and when coupled with your common sense closing sentence, your entire post took on a whole new meaning.
The previous posts of the many people that have tried ZEP, and were less than thrilled with the results, unfortunately believed all of the hype.
The sanding, or compounding method to remove oxidation on a fiberglass gel coach may not be the easiest to do but it is safer than a floor finish that may or may not peel, may or may not turn yellow, and may or may not soften/dissolve the gel coat.
Why some people continue to push an interior floor finish, for people to use on their valuable RV's, when there have been many documented problems, is beyond me.
โMay-16-2014 01:44 PM
โMay-16-2014 11:43 AM
hershey wrote:
Meguires is an excellent wax and all I would ever use on my '57 Ford. But for a 14 year old dull MH, the Red Max (now Zep) process is the only thing left to give showroom results. Mine is on now for 3 years and I've had to redo the front cap twice (I;m pretty agressive on the bugs) and the entry door once (poor preparation on first attempt).
Suggest you do a search for Red Max Pro on this forum and decide. The only people who poo poo it is the people who haven't tried it.
I would not use it on a full bodied RV. Common sense should prevail.
READ CLOSLY: I said that I would not use the Red Max Pro process on a full bodied paint. Common sense should prevail. Common sense was directed to that previous sentence, not to any other part of any other thread that you would like to direct it to.
For goodness sake, get real, get glasses so you can read, have someone explain the big words to you
โMay-16-2014 09:53 AM
hershey wrote:
Suggest you do a search for Red Max Pro on this forum and decide.
Peg Leg wrote:
I'm doing my cap now. I had the ZEP, won't do that again.
Dog Trainer wrote:
I used the Red Max and after 2 years the coach started to yellow. I had to get the s**t off and the finish back it was a big job.
timmac wrote:
Do not let the stripper sit to long because it will melt the fiberglass and turn it yellow . . . What I learned about the Zep wax is the hot desert sun will still shrink the stripes and the wax will turn white on those areas, only my south facing side had the issue, the north facing side no issues after 2 years.
Bumpyroad wrote:
I bought a couple of gallons of it when it was being cleared out and did use a little of it on my winnie before trading it, and the rest is still sitting in my garage. putting it on is easy, maintaining it is difficult.
larry barnhart wrote:
I also have some flaking on the entry side. Nobody has prepared any better than what I did or even close to the work I did. I still feel it is better than 2 to 3 wax jobs each year. I will have to wait until we arrive back home in April to correct the problem.
fizikpal wrote:
I had some flaking on the rear end of the coach which gets beat up by the sun. I used Zep floor striper. It was a major pain to remove the finish. The chemicals run before they loosen the wax.
chast wrote:
Been using this stuff for about five years now and have removed it several times.
royl wrote:
I did the Zep floor finish process on my motorhome last fall. It looked great but now I am in the desert southwest and the wax is turning white and peeling off only on the stripes on the sides of the motorhome. It is still fine on the white where it stays cooler but on the dark gray stripes it is peeling bad. Any ideas? How could I remove the wax on the stripes and not affect the white parts? I would hate to start a whole new process.
Weldon wrote:
My RMP started to flake last year. I washed it and put more RMP on. 4 coats, this year the flaking is worse. I do feel the prep was done correctly in the beginning. I have used Zep stripper to remove the old floor polish and it was quite a job getting it off. Also used some compound on it which helped. The ends which seem to be gel coat were the bad area for me, the filon sides did not show any flaking. Used Nufinish this time.
larry barnhart wrote:
I have had some flaking on the dark green decals.