Well its done, the tv antenna is fixed. When on a recent trip found out that I was not getting tv signals. Got home, bought converter box, 2 channels, something wrong, well found out that probably the previous had wiped out the antenna. If the owner repaired it, very poor job, if it was done by a shop,YUK, The antenna head was replaced with a Signal Commander head the amp inside is a Winegard, the two will not work together, order a new rv2005 Winegare head replace it, found out that the coax had a break in it, so up on the roof again,OH GGGEEEEZZZZZ, really looked at the mess, the coax was smashed between the roof and the mounting plate, to the point of crushing the wire to break the center conductor. So had to pull a new coax, lots of fun, pulled the whole antenna assembly, the previous owner, must have thought that a little caulk was good, so a LOT OF CAULK must be better, had to soak mounting plate overnight in solvent to help remove EXCESS caulk, over 2hrs scraping the roof to remove caulk, a rebuild of the antenna, which really consist of replacing 1 "O" ring, reinstall assembly with the proper amount of caulk and now getting 14 channels. Yep done.
Brenda and Bill
2020 Lance 1172, our traveling rig
2013 Heartland Landmark Mesa, 40', fifth wheel, we keep at our snowbird home in central FL, Bushnell, FL.
2014 Chevy Silverado LTZ 3500HD, CC, 4x4, LB, duals, DuraMax