Dec-14-2015 07:16 AM
Dec-15-2015 04:24 PM
jplante4 wrote:Sam Spade wrote:Jim@HiTek wrote:
Chips aren't usually repaired. No need.
Unless it's located in the path of the which case it tends to eat a notch in the rubber and cause a BAD streak.
And, at least in Massachusetts, will cause you to fail the yearly vehicle inspection. I had 5 rock dings in the wiper path and called Safelite. They won't repair more than 2. I bought the RainX repair kit and a black light and did it myself. Have the stuff with me on the road in case I get another.
Dec-15-2015 12:25 PM
Dec-15-2015 12:21 PM
Sam Spade wrote:Jim@HiTek wrote:
Chips aren't usually repaired. No need.
Unless it's located in the path of the which case it tends to eat a notch in the rubber and cause a BAD streak.
Dec-15-2015 12:06 PM
Jim@HiTek wrote:
Chips aren't usually repaired. No need.
Dec-15-2015 09:31 AM
Dec-15-2015 07:07 AM
Dec-14-2015 03:58 PM
Dec-14-2015 03:32 PM
Dec-14-2015 03:21 PM
Dec-14-2015 12:15 PM
Dec-14-2015 12:05 PM
Dec-14-2015 11:45 AM
Dec-14-2015 08:11 AM
Dec-14-2015 08:05 AM