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Two years ago we got hit with the dreaded "stink bugs". They invaded everything. Our travel trailer had stink bugs for the next year inside. I caught them and one-by-one set them free outside. If I killed them, they emit a horrible smell, so killing was not an option. Even after winter ended, in the Spring, the bugs were still here.

We traded that travel trailer for our current 5er. It was September last year, and immediately, the new 5er was taken over by a new crop of stink bugs. Again, capturing them one at a time, it never ended. Winter came and went again. Because we used the 5er over the winter, we'd see stink bugs almost every day. Just couldn't get rid of them.

Finally, in the Spring of this year, I took aggressive action and set off 3 bug bombs inside the camper all at once. About 6 hours later we returned to the 5er and I started counting the dead stink bugs that appeared and were found everywhere! That first attempt at a bug bomb resulted in over 60 dead stink bugs on that first day. Over the course of the next few days, we found an additional 40 (plus) that eventually died because of the residual bug bomb mist that was everywhere settled.

Two weeks later, I set of 3 more bug bombs, and this time it produced about 10 more dead stink bugs. It seems they came crawling out of everywhere they were hiding. Since then, we've had no more stink bugs, but I do occasionally find dead bodies in strange places, inside a cabinet, under the couch, rolled up in the outdoor mat, in the bottom of the tub under the sink. Fortunate though, they are all dead now.

However, today I decided to do some window maintenance. After one year, the sliding windows are getting hard to slide so picked up some 3-in-one RV Care Window Track Dry Lube. I also discovered today that all the screens on my windows are on sliding tracks, same as the window. So, when I sprayed with the window lube, ..... guess what? yep! It blew out MORE dead stink bugs that were caught in the window tracks.

Now, it's vacuum sweeper time to suck out all those dead bugs caught in the window tracks under the screen sliders. Shesh! Who would have thought!

So, just a helpful suggestion here... if you take the time to clean your windows or do maintenance on them, remove those screens and get a vacuum sweeper hose and suck out all the dead critters that found a home ... and a grave yard there. You might be surprised what you find in that unseen track!

About the time I thought I found all the hiding spots for those dead bugs, this one unearths. Anyone else have any more suggestions where bugs hide and die?

September.....It’s “that” time of the year for the “dreaded” Love Bug invasion :M in the Deep South! Spend a week or two traveling during their peak....and you’ll find another time to travel where they abound! ;). Hint: if you’re vacationing there at that time, avoid wearing “white”.....they seem to be attracted to white! memtb
Todd & Marianne
Miniature Schnauzer's - Sundai, Nellie & Maggie Mae
2007 Dodge Ram 3500, 6.7 Cummins, 6 speed manual, 3.73 ratio, 4x4
2004 Teton Grand Freedom, 39'
2007 Bigfoot 30MH26Sl

Here in PA we were invaded with stink bugs about 10 years ago. The last couple of years has been much better since natural predators have increased their populations and have gone to work.

To catch and kill stink bugs, swish them into a container with dish soap and water. If you use a flat sided container, your success rate will be better. Put the container under the bug with the flat side against the wall and flick the bug downward. They usually drop from their position when disturbed. Substituting toilet cleaner for the dish soap is even better.

When you find where the bugs are coming in, wash that area well because they leave a trace smell behind as a marker for their access points.

Is this mostly in Indiana problem? Because I’m going to avoid that state if so. LOL

Nope! One of my "fondest" memories of meeting some of the local fire department at our old house was when a stink bug fried on a light bulb in a lamp. The smell was horrendous and since we couldn't identify it we called them for safety. First fireman walked into the house, took one sniff, turned around and said "no issue". I wasn't familiar with stink bugs at that point although we had them in/around the house. Most definitely do not crush them and don't cook 'em either! :B

I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be

Douglas Adams

[purple]RV-less for now but our spirits are still on the open road. [/purple]

Is this mostly in Indiana problem? Because I’m going to avoid that state if so. LOL

I use this to catch them:


I wait till I get a few in the reservoir, then I empty the dead ones outside. I never catch and release. They don't smell because they aren't crushed.

We haven't had a problem in a few years but we have had years where they were a real nuisance. They can be anywhere but we seem to get them when we camp in the woods in Virginia.

Dale Pace
Widow of Terry (Teacher's Pet)

Traveling with Brendon, my Scottish Terrier

2022 Honda Odyssey
2011 Mazda Miata MX-5

2021 Coach House Platinum III 250DT
Fulltimed for 15 years, now living in Florida

The Stinkbug war is never ending in areas where the have taken over. Some years will be worse than others. Hope for a cold winter, that knocks the population back big time. Need a week or two of sub zero temps.

We had a millipede invasion last month at home and in the garage. I used a wet dry vac in the garage. I'd suck up 100 or so then go out a hour later and get another 50. Lasted a couple of weeks. Now my wet dry vac is never coming back into the house. Even after a massive pressure washing (motor and all) it still stinks. The 300 MPH crash into the vacuum just implanted the smell but they lost. Home Depot won. I need a new vac.

If you have slides, look under there. We had the same problem with ladybugs, vacummed up several bags full of them, and still see some occasionally. Our front slide has carpet which covers the edge we raised that up and found hundreds. We had a small hand vac, (dustbuster type) and just about wore it out. But it was the only thing that worked. If you should get this type vacuum, be sure to get one with an extension hose and nozzle. The flex hose is much easier to use and to get in corners.
Noel and Betty Johnson (and Harry)

2005 GulfStream Ultra Supreme, 1 Old grouch, 1 wonderful wife, and two silly poodles.