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RV Fuel Issues & Prices - Post 'Em Here!

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2009 Tiffin 43QBP Allegro Bus
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"Pisqually" the attack kitty :B
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eltejano1 wrote:
I also think the web is contributing to the ideological fracturing of our society. It provides extremists on both ends of the political spectrum with a certain legitimacy that would have been unthinkable in our pre-computer world. All the porn material, chat rooms and dating services are damaging families and homes in a variety of ways and children are at great risk online - not only physically and emotionally, but morally as well.

But I guess everything has a downside. There are so many positive things about the web - unlimited shopping options, a huge library of information on every subject imaginable at your finger tips and educational and self-improvement opportunities for the unlettered masses that have the potential of obliterating ignorance worldwide.

We have to take the bad along with the good, I suppose - like TV and everything else.


Well said.

I also think the web is contributing to the ideological fracturing of our society. It provides extremists on both ends of the political spectrum with a certain legitimacy that would have been unthinkable in our pre-computer world. All the porn material, chat rooms and dating services are damaging families and homes in a variety of ways and children are at great risk online - not only physically and emotionally, but morally as well.

But I guess everything has a downside. There are so many positive things about the web - unlimited shopping options, a huge library of information on every subject imaginable at your finger tips and educational and self-improvement opportunities for the unlettered masses that have the potential of obliterating ignorance worldwide.

We have to take the bad along with the good, I suppose - like TV and everything else.


OK. I give, just what exactly did you do, that you don't want us to know about? You can tell everyone, we can keep a secret.:B
Just rolling along enjoying life
w/F53 Southwind towing a 87 Samurai or 01 Grand Vitara looking to fish
Simply Despicable ๐Ÿ˜›
Any errors are a result of CRS.:s

eltejano1 wrote:
Wouldn't it take a court order or something to get that info from the ISP. I mean, you can't just call them up and ask who XXX is. You have to be a law enforcement agency, right?

It depends on the ISP. I know people who were not law enforcement (they were running a forum) that were able to get names/addresses of people causing trouble. The situation was worse than simple slander, but they obtained the information. Now, laws have changed and I don't know the laws, but I believe it is possible if the ISP is willing to give out the information.

Wouldn't it take a court order or something to get that info from the IPS. I mean, you can't just call them up and ask who XXX is. You have to be a law enforcement agency, right?

Supposing someone posts some really slanderous material about me on an "anything goes" website, and I ask my attorney to sue him - could my attorney readily get the e-mail address and personal info of the person if the website administrator is uncooperative? And I'm sure that IPS's don't give that info with just a phone call or letter.

I think it needs regulation - should be like a newspaper where anonymous letters to the editor are not allowed. But I don't have any idea HOW it could be regulated, at least without serious infringments of free speech. Much of the Web is just a filthy cesspool that, in my old-fashioned opinion, should be cleaned-up! I grew up in a day when a single profane word over a marine radio would result in your license being revoked by the FCC.

I guess the answer is just to stay on well-moderated sites like this one, where such posts are quickly deleted and the member expelled. Trouble is, many sites aren't moderated at all! Seems like the modern equivalent, I guess, of staying out of bad neighborhoods and being selective in the company you keep.


AO_hitech wrote:
eltejano1 wrote:
Why do people want to post under pseudonyms and conceal their identities? So they can lie, slander and insult others without consequences? Or pretend they are someone else?

Should it become a legal issue, your ISP knows who you are. If the site captures your IP and the date and time (most do), then they can find out who you are if necessary.

And my names in my profile I believe. :W
They sure can.:B

Besides, what is wrong with being able to slander and insult others without consequences? Gives the mods something else to do.:B
Just rolling along enjoying life
w/F53 Southwind towing a 87 Samurai or 01 Grand Vitara looking to fish
Simply Despicable ๐Ÿ˜›
Any errors are a result of CRS.:s

eltejano1 wrote:
Why do people want to post under pseudonyms and conceal their identities? So they can lie, slander and insult others without consequences? Or pretend they are someone else?

Should it become a legal issue, your ISP knows who you are. If the site captures your IP and the date and time (most do), then they can find out who you are if necessary.

And my names in my profile I believe. :W

If y'all will permit another brief digression -- do you think we need more regulation of the internet? I do. I don't think anyone should be allowed to post anonymously. I think we should be required to identify ourselves and our town of residence. If we are not willing to do that, we should not be allowed to publish anything on the internet.

My name is Jack Ellis and live on County Road 4300, 8 miles SE of Woodville Texas and I'm in the phone book. Why do people want to post under pseudonyms and conceal their identities? So they can lie, slander and insult others without consequences? Or pretend they are someone else?



Hey sirdrakejr! Were you able to meet the famous Lindsey Williams that had that video out about having enough oil up there to last centuries...? That nobody will pump out. And gas will get high as it is now...

Speaking of Lindsey Williams I would say he is closer to right than the BS put out from the government and wall street.


We all appreciate your allowing the thread. Here we can discuss these matters in a polite way, unlike most of the political forums that are just intolerably rude, profane and ugly. RV'ers tend to be very nice people and that really shows here. What we're doing is pretty much like a face to face BS session around the campfire. People say things to each other on the internet that they would never say in person - and that's too bad. Anonymity is the biggest drawback to this kind of communication - but it's not a problem here - thanks to your efforts.

Clearly, allowing controversial content throughout the site would quickly ruin it. But it seems that restricting it all to this one thread is working pretty well and does not seem to be interfering with the mission of RV.Net Open Roads.

I've pushed you too far a couple times and I apologize. When I check back and find my post deleted I feel ashamed. I haven't had one deleted for a few days so I guess I'm improving. ๐Ÿ™‚

I wouldn't say you have a short fuse - but, it's probably inadvisable for moderators to take sides in controversial discussions because it undermines their authority - like drinking beer and socializing with one's employees.



Discover Open Road Card. I'll look into that. Discover always has had some sort of rebate deal on all purchases, but just a pittance. Never paid much attention to that in the past, but maybe the time has come to take advantage of every break - and that's putting it mildly. ๐Ÿ™‚


eltejano1 wrote:
so let me ask a couple questions about hydrogen...Isn't it highly explosive and dangerous to handle?

Yes, it is VERY explosive. However, there is a company that has solved the storage problem. They have storage tanks using a metal hydride that "absorbs" the hydrogen and with a little heat releases it is sufficient quantities to power a car. You could shoot the container with a high powered rifle and it wouldn't explode. Now, someone just needs manufacture hydrogen cheaply...

sirdrakejr wrote:
Quote: "I don't think destroying native habitats is the answer. Congress has nothing to do with building oil refineries."

Give me a break!! I lived and worked in Alaska and had a chance to work at Prudhoe as well. There is no destruction there from the last oil field work, why would you expect it now? The ANWR site would use 2000 acres in a state that encomapasses 19,000,000 acres!! You would not even see it. And there are no tourists going there to see it either. When the first pipeline was built, the line equated to stretching a 18 Ga. thread across a room that was about 18 feet square. It was barely noticeable.

Congress has a lot to do with building refineries. If they don't allow permits, refineries don't get built. They have been denying permits since Clinton vetoed the ANWR bill and long before. They also required too many "hoops" to go thru to meet EPA and other regulatory requirements that never existed before the 70's.

Unless you KNOW facts don't say how bad the environment would be hurt. It wouldn't be! The Gulf isn't even after Katrina and Rite struck. Technology has come a lone way since the 60's and 70's. It is time the myths were debunked and common sense and reason determines how we build and allow our country to prosper. NOT thru fear and scare tactics.

Hey sirdrakejr! Were you able to meet the famous Lindsey Williams that had that video out about having enough oil up there to last centuries...? That nobody will pump out. And gas will get high as it is now...

AO_hitech wrote:
eltejano1 wrote:
I can't run video because of my phone lines...

They don't say what it really is. However, the explanation (hydrogen from the water converted into electrons to power the car) give the impression that it is a fuel cell. If they have advanced fuel cell technology far enough it is certainly possible to power an electric car with one.

You said it perfectly!

eltejano1 wrote:

I can't run video because of my phone lines, so let me ask a couple questions about hydrogen. I have heard it takes nearly as much energy to make hydrogen from water as you get out of it? Since we'd have to built more nuclear energy plants anyway, why not just run plug-in cars - and we wouldn't have to build the extensive service staton infrastucture? Does hydrogen have any advantage over plug-in? Isn't it highly explosive and dangerous to handle?

I'm excited about the new plug-in Chevrolet that's coming on the market in a year or so. They say it uses new, lighter-weight battery technology and will run 60 miles on a charge - not bad looking either. Sort of a small suv. I'd like to see some data on the operating cost at current electric rates - and the charging time required. I envision hi-speed, self serve charging stations outside convenience stores. I think the whole key here is battery technology. They'd have to be lighter weight, store more power and capable of taking a fast charge.

They'd be a lot simpler too - an electric motor and a gear box. We'd be able to work on our own cars again!


I definitely agree about having a electric car. Yes and no on the hydrogen being dangerous. In large quantity like in storage tank of hydrogen gas, YES! In producing just enough to supplement the gasoline in cars right now as in "hydrogen on demand", NO. Here another video below of the surge technology for electric car. There is just too many hobbyist out there now on these emerging techs, (some are old killed off techs) for the MIB to kill off. If that was what they were doing. Thanks to the informational age.

Link to video