Jan-22-2019 03:00 AM
Jan-22-2019 06:09 AM
Jan-22-2019 05:04 AM
Jan-22-2019 03:49 AM
Jan-22-2019 03:46 AM
JaxDad wrote:
Somebody traveling at fairly high speed in the Nissan and they guy in the Dodge was stopped, the road is wet and at the last second the Nissan driver punched the brakes. The nose of the Nissan went down and momentum kept it going.
Once the Nissan got past the axles the RV acted like a (heavy) lever lifting the Dodge up by its hitch.
It’s amazing there were no injuries, or worse!
Jan-22-2019 03:38 AM
Jan-22-2019 03:37 AM
Jan-22-2019 03:31 AM