Feb-10-2018 12:31 PM
Feb-13-2018 11:00 AM
bentSpaceTime wrote:Chris Bryant wrote:
Thanks Doug- darned autocorrect!
The easiest thing to check is, with the refrigerator down to temperature (cold), does the gas thermostat modulate the flame in the middle of the travel, or just right at the very bottom? If it only makes the flame smaller right at the bottom, it's bad. If it is in the middle of the range, we can work with it.
What do you mean by travel?
Feb-12-2018 04:52 PM
Chris Bryant wrote:
Thanks Doug- darned autocorrect!
The easiest thing to check is, with the refrigerator down to temperature (cold), does the gas thermostat modulate the flame in the middle of the travel, or just right at the very bottom? If it only makes the flame smaller right at the bottom, it's bad. If it is in the middle of the range, we can work with it.
Feb-12-2018 05:31 AM
Feb-12-2018 03:43 AM
bentSpaceTime wrote:Chris Bryant wrote:
Because the thermostat is modulating the flame, I doubt it has lost its charge, unless it only modulates at the very bottom of its range.
Have you checked the lip pressure? I would sure start with that.
I'm pretty sure I have several of those v35 thermostats, if I can find them.
How do you check the lip pressure?
Feb-12-2018 03:42 AM
bentSpaceTime wrote:
Does moving the capillary tubes up and down on the fresh food evaporator fins do anything, as far as adjusting the temperature in the cabinet?
Feb-11-2018 02:59 PM
Feb-11-2018 02:57 PM
Feb-11-2018 12:41 PM
Chris Bryant wrote:
Because the thermostat is modulating the flame, I doubt it has lost its charge, unless it only modulates at the very bottom of its range.
Have you checked the lip pressure? I would sure start with that.
I'm pretty sure I have several of those v35 thermostats, if I can find them.
Feb-11-2018 02:42 AM
Feb-10-2018 04:27 PM
dougrainer wrote:
Yes, I found a few listings for the Gas Tstat. NONE for the electric tstat. So, if the Gas is defective, maybe one of the suppliers still has the gas tstat (pn 62303). Doug
Feb-10-2018 03:11 PM
bentSpaceTime wrote:
Would replacing the thermostat fix the problem, if the bypass flame is too big?
Feb-10-2018 02:56 PM
Feb-10-2018 02:55 PM
Feb-10-2018 02:21 PM