I was debugging an intermittent no crank problem and wanted to have a look at the Starter Solenoid Switch. Parts.ford.com says I have one but does not suggest a location. For various year F53s, some say passenger wheel well, radiator area, etc, but I don't see it. Following the positive battery lead or the starter positive lead is difficult and not helping. Does anyone have a location suggestion for the 2006 f53?
I generally like shop manuals and I assume they would suggest where it is located, however, prices for this one range from $700 - $1000 (amazon, eBay). Does anyone use the Chilton DIY service? Not sure if they would show such a thing but they are more reasonable.
http://repair.chiltondiy.com/Pub/DIY/Product.aspx?ca=Repair&b=118403thanks very much for any ideas,
2007 Tiffin Allegro 28DA