Oct-28-2014 11:40 AM
Oct-30-2014 03:02 PM
Oct-30-2014 02:52 PM
Oct-30-2014 02:19 PM
Fordlover wrote:buddyIam wrote:
I understand, but this is America. We have driven the big trucks all through the 4 buck a gallon era. If it's 3 mpg that separates a 'MAN' and his V8 from a 2.7 liter v6. I would be very surprised.
I am saying that because we are talking about trucks. Not a car.
You know.... Women are allowed to buy and drive trucks these days 🙂
Some men will always cling to the V8 (or V10) or diesel, etc. And that's great, I imagine Ford will continue to make them, even if in smaller numbers. There is a powertrain option for nearly everyone, unless you like your F-150 powered by a battery pack.
Oct-29-2014 06:43 AM
Golden_HVAC wrote:
I wonder why the compare the 0-60 MPH several times and then say "It gets this mileage" - how accurate can that be when they are beating the heck out of the truck while testing it out!
Oct-29-2014 06:28 AM
buddyIam wrote:
My point is that some of this stuff is amazing. That corvette can get 29mpg. Then still be capable of something like 170mph.
Oct-29-2014 04:52 AM
buddyIam wrote:
I understand, but this is America. We have driven the big trucks all through the 4 buck a gallon era. If it's 3 mpg that separates a 'MAN' and his V8 from a 2.7 liter v6. I would be very surprised.
I am saying that because we are talking about trucks. Not a car.
Oct-28-2014 09:56 PM
Oct-28-2014 08:58 PM
buddylam wrote:
Corvette 6.2 gets 29 mpg hwy.
That beats all the eco boost, eco diesel, eco anything.
Oct-28-2014 08:45 PM
jus2shy wrote:
You guys are probably not aware of this, but the US is producing more fuel than Saudi Arabia. Fuel prices are predicted to remain stable for about 10 years.
edit - also, aver per vehicle mileage has also dropped though total car ownership has increased. Our total vehicle mileage peaked in 2005 thus far. That's about 2 or 3 years before the recession.
Oct-28-2014 08:35 PM
Oct-28-2014 06:15 PM
Porsche or Country Coach!
If there's a WILL, I want to be in it!
Oct-28-2014 06:13 PM
hone eagle wrote:
how long do you think it will be $2.99? A year, two maybe?
Who buys a vehicle on a fuel price 'snapshot'?
Oct-28-2014 06:05 PM
Oct-28-2014 05:53 PM