Mar-28-2015 09:52 AM
Apr-06-2015 09:11 AM
majorgator wrote:up2nogood wrote:
Limited experience 16 years :h Lets see ,I replaced the ball joints at 60K, I replaced the transmission cooler with the 6.0 ,the intercooler with the 6.0, replaced the exhaust with 4" turbo back, replaced stock air intake with the AIS air intake. Ran the Superchip for a few years ( remember now we are talking the 16 inexperienced years ) Switched to the DP tuner, finally started to run half decent for towing . Added gauges to monitor transmission ,boost, and ETG's. The early 99 had to run the conventional coolant with SCA, because injector cups etc. would not tolerate the extended life coolant, some tried without problems, I chose to flush ,and run the conventional every 30K. These thing were all done by this wannabe driveway mechanic.
Yes mine accelerated better with the upgrades, but towing was a different animal.The limiting factor with all the upgrades was ETG's , unless you replaced the intercooler with something that would let it run ,the 7.3 intercooler would not allow the power that was there. The 6.0 helped ,but still wouldn't let it run like it could. We can debate this all day, I know how they perform.
As I had your experience with your truck. Other people have their own experiences with their own trucks. Its OK if your experience doesn't match theirs, but your experience doesn't automatically become the gospel. Congratulations on getting totally worked up for no reason and going on silly rant in response to something you took completely out of context.
Apr-06-2015 03:22 AM
Apr-05-2015 06:23 PM
up2nogood wrote:
Limited experience 16 years :h Lets see ,I replaced the ball joints at 60K, I replaced the transmission cooler with the 6.0 ,the intercooler with the 6.0, replaced the exhaust with 4" turbo back, replaced stock air intake with the AIS air intake. Ran the Superchip for a few years ( remember now we are talking the 16 inexperienced years ) Switched to the DP tuner, finally started to run half decent for towing . Added gauges to monitor transmission ,boost, and ETG's. The early 99 had to run the conventional coolant with SCA, because injector cups etc. would not tolerate the extended life coolant, some tried without problems, I chose to flush ,and run the conventional every 30K. These thing were all done by this wannabe driveway mechanic.
Yes mine accelerated better with the upgrades, but towing was a different animal.The limiting factor with all the upgrades was ETG's , unless you replaced the intercooler with something that would let it run ,the 7.3 intercooler would not allow the power that was there. The 6.0 helped ,but still wouldn't let it run like it could. We can debate this all day, I know how they perform.
Apr-05-2015 10:42 AM
colliehauler wrote:
Jasult want to double your money? That thing looks like new.
Apr-05-2015 10:29 AM
Apr-05-2015 10:25 AM
Apr-05-2015 09:46 AM
Apr-05-2015 06:44 AM
Kevin O. wrote:jasult wrote:WOW!! That's a deal of a lifetime! I paid quite a bit more for mine but it's still a fraction of the cost for a new one. My old girl might be coming up on her 15th birthday but she's lookin' damn good for her age!!!:B
I bought this sweet dually for four thousand dollars from a customer of mine or decided it was not worth the cost to repair trans. I have known truck since he bought it and always admired it. I all ready have four 7.3 trucks and know them inside and out so this was not getting past me. The torque was noisy and the feed bolts above the valve body came loose and caused no pressure in drive gear. I replaced converter, fixed feed bolts and added trans 6.0 cooler and PHP Hydra chip to improve towing.
Apr-05-2015 06:42 AM
jasult wrote:bump
I bought this sweet dually for four thousand dollars from a customer of mine or decided it was not worth the cost to repair trans. I have known truck since he bought it and always admired it. I all ready have four 7.3 trucks and know them inside and out so this was not getting past me. The torque was noisy and the feed bolts above the valve body came loose and caused no pressure in drive gear. I replaced converter, fixed feed bolts and added trans 6.0 cooler and PHP Hydra chip to improve towing.
Apr-05-2015 04:51 AM
Apr-04-2015 02:51 PM
jerem0621 wrote:
Well, maybe I am crazy but I have had two 4R100's well past 130k and they were nearly perfect. A lot of them were replaced due to some shifting problems that may be able to be traced back to the valve body. Pretty easy fix.
Keep it cool, keep the fluid changed and don't join the HP war and the 4r100 is a pretty decent 4 speed transmission.
Add power...and yep.. you have decreased it's service life. That is NOT the fault of the transmission.
Apr-04-2015 10:20 AM
Apr-04-2015 10:01 AM
majorgator wrote:up2nogood wrote:
No they don't do just fine ,they do okay. 10K empty maybe, but doubtful.
I thought maybe after owning a truck for nearly 16 years ( Early 99 Superduty 7.3 ) I would get a new one.
Somehow you guys ,and your nostalgic view of the 7.3 overshadow the facts . One of the worst transmissions ever built ( 4R100 ) CPS issues, wire harness problems, crappy OEM ball joints, and I could continue ,but its obvious its falling on deaf ears. Oh ! ya the 7.3 is a solid motor, thats been proven, but beyond that ,please don't try to tell me how great they are. They were great in their time, and it has passed. Get over it its a fact :S
Your opinion is apparently based upon your limited experience with your vehicle. That's OK, but there are countless others on this thread that have countered your opinion with their own/our own experiences. That's OK too. Nearly all the common problems that plagued the 7.3's are easy fixes that a driveway wannabe mechanic can fix inespensivley and fairly quickly. Nobody is debating that it has the same power as the newer diesels, but since most of us aren't looking to haul 18k lbs across steep grades, the 7.3 does JUST FINE. And as already mentioned, the 7.3 takes just a little bit of tweaking to get drastically more power out of it. That's a fact...
Apr-04-2015 08:23 AM
Kevin O. wrote:
Like I said, not everyone has the option of going out and purchasing a new $50-$70K tow vehicle. So if your having to buy used then the 7.3L is a damn good choice! Yes the 4r100 is the weakest link. But a one time purchase from BTS or John Wood along with a 6.0 trans cooler and you wouldn't have to worry about it again. Also if you think these trucks are well past their prime then why are they in such high demand and still fetching top dollar?? Now that's a fact...