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Door deadbolt jammed

When we left the house tonight I locked the deadbolt with the key and we left. We just arrived at the walmart that we are crashing at and the key won't go in the lock and I can't open the deadbolt from the inside. Fortunately we have 2 doors so we can still use the trailer but everyone has to go through the master bedroom. Any tips or tricks to getting it open? The trailer is 5 months old and I don't know if I'm going to be able to get a hold of anyone at Keystone tomorrow before we get into Yellowstone. Please help.

It sounds like you do indeed have the recalled locks, and NO DOUBT BOTH DOORS HAVE THE SAME (POTENTIAL) PROBLEM.

So it is great that you have two doors, and it is crucial that whatever you do, DO NOT PULL THE KEY OUT AFTER LOCKING THE DEADBOLT WITH THE KEY BLADE HORIZONTAL, lest you find yourself REALLY locked out.

BTW, thanks, folks, for the link to the recall web site. My TT lock is not coded among the recalled key codes, BUT THE SITE SAYS EVEN IF YOURS IS NOT AMONG THOSE LISTED, IF YOU CAN REMOVE THE KEY IN THE 9 O'CLOCK POSITION, GET IT REPLACED free from the recall site.

My wife routinely locks up and pulls the key out in the 9 o'clock position. While it hasn't jammed yet, I've put in for a new cylinder anyway.

You almost certainly have one of the recalled locks. The problem seems to occur when the door is locked and the key removed in the 9 o'clock positiion. You must always return the key to the 12 o'clock position before you remove it. Good luck on getting the lock replaced. I have been waiting since February for a promised replacement. You can file on-line for a replacement HERE

do you have the recalled locks?